
Is going raw a good idea?

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I would like to go raw,, like raw fruits and vegetables to see if my health will get better,, What do you recommend ,, is going in stages better???




  1. I like raw veggies the best. It is way better for you because that way the vitamins stay in tact.

  2. You guys read too many "alternative" stuff.  Fact is, most fruits are best eaten raw, but many veggies require some cooking to break down the nutrients for better absorbtion in the body. Talk to an actual scientist of the body...a doctor. Not someone trying to sell you on an idea.

    Going raw is fashion-of-the-day, not pure or sound nutrition. And you don't need to cook veggies until mush.

    Read all information, not just the stuff that sounds cool.

    Plus, cooking eliminates the chances of bacteria and other toxins.

  3. No you can completely raw as soon as you want without baby steps.  I am 26 years old and I was never taught the health benefits of going raw.  Seriously I grew up on meat and sweet tea.  Well now ever since my bf's mom taught me about eating raw I have incorporated more raw veggies in my diet and have noticed a big difference.  I have more energy, I am never constipated, and have loss body fat.  I wasn't big before I have always stayed around 115lbs.  but I have just noticed a diff in how my body looks.  It is really worth it! You will notice a diff. in how you feel right away.  You can juice, dehydrate, and make smoothies.  I drink a spinach, banana, and orange smoothie every morning.  Trust me it is good! Go for it!!

  4. Absolutely!  Raw food is food closest to it's natural state, and in this state has retained most of it's nutritional value (especially antioxidants and phytochemicals).  

    Eating raw is also a great way to detox.

  5. You will love it!  You may want to go in stages because it is amazing how fast your body starts to clean itself out.  As a result, if you go and eat something that is not raw you may get sick. (I did...not fun)  I have read a lot of books on the subject and I love Natalia Rose's books.  Try the Raw Food Detox Diet.  She talks about stages and it makes a lot of sense.  From the first day that I went raw, I definitely noticed the difference in my mental clarity.  I basically did raw until dinner for 3 months and lost about 15 lbs and my cholesterol went from 230 to 195.  Whole Foods has lots of raw foods available and there is a list of raw food restaurants in the back of the Detox book  for every state.  I definitely recommend trying a restaurant because you will be amazed at the food.  Good luck!

  6. yea !! raw food is very  good for health

    raw food is best for dieting people for sure also take salad

    "raw mango is my favorite fruit"

  7. I`d love to go It`s difficult. I know certain shops and grocery stores that would sell wonderful foods

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