
Is golf a good walk spoiled?

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Is golf a good walk spoiled?




  1. Nah.   Besides, most people use carts nowadays(not me tho..walking is the best way to get a feel of the course and the next shot)

  2. On bad days, I complain, constantly curse, moan, and stay angry at myself, throw clubs, and other nonsence.  When I'm done, I cant wait to play again!!

  3. yes i feel it is but i hate golf so that would be why!

  4. Quite so. The Chinese were the first to hit a small ball into a hole in the ground. Then they realised how silly it was and stopped doing it, until the Scots rediscovered it. Pity.

  5. In my opinion no. But that is a really good book if you like golf

  6. Depends on how good at golf you are...  Bad Golfer = Terrible walk.  Good Golfer =  good excercise.

  7. We use carts

  8. Only if youre c**p and all your buddies are way better than you then yea... you might aswell just go for a walk back to your car.

  9. Never had anything to do with it - I'm in the wrong age and percieved social status groups.

  10. Only if you are playing horribly, and you aren't out enjoying the weather.  And if you are riding around in a cart anyway.

  11. The Cure are the best

  12. Occasionally.

  13. Never.  Regardless of your score, the enjoyment of the walk should not matter since it is simply the means to help you to golf.  Most humans forget about their problems when golfing, which is why the game is so popular among doctors, attorneys, businessmen, etc.  So when golfing, a person is not really thinking about enjoying a walk.  Instead that person is concentrating about hitting the next shot.  A walk is a walk, and golf is golf, and never the twain shall meet.

  14. No, sometimes its a good cart-ride spoiled.

  15. Never!!!  Thats blasphemy!!!

  16. It probably is if you aren't very skilled in the game.  It can be very frustrating for novices who might enjoy just a good walk more.

  17. Definitely if you're Mark Twain.  Otherwise, try the game out for yourself, and you'll find the answer for yourself.

  18. Yes. Bloody golfers in their plus-fours.

  19. I like crazy golf as naff as it is and I played golf once like all sport pretty pointless but I am not competitive. I think it is another goofy sport like most of them, except the ones that are really dangerous and exciting like skiing I could do this but I don't want to get hurt. I like watching gymnastics cause I don't hurt myself doing it and syncronised swimming because it is beautiful to watch the patterns and I don't drown.

    Golf has one thing going for it a healthy walk but is also potentially dangerous in lightening.

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