
Is guilt killing him?

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he chose someone else over me...she's more popular, rich, beautiful and they have same i wouldn't blame him...he's telling everybody how much he loves and adores her...but why is it that he lost his glow?...he seems unhappy and disturbed...he never said sorry to me by d way and we never had a formal break-up...when just found out that they two are an item so i stopped talking to him and automatically delete his emails and messages...and try as much as possible not to see him at work...i prayed to God not to let me see him but our paths cross again after exactly one month, coupled with that we had a 3day training together without the new gf...of course, i'm pretending not to see him...

they say that if u're inlove u would glow with happiness but why does he look the other way around?when i saw him again, his face looks gloomy...the glow that he once had has disappeared and he looked so untidy...




  1. Maybe he has something on his mind or maybe he feels guilty about the situation. Don’t show that you care so he doesn’t feel that he has won. You look like a beautiful girl so don’t worry there are better guys out there. Good luck.

  2. It isn't what he thought it was and now he is stuck living a lie and trying to force himself to be happy.

  3. google it

  4. Give it time. She'll do him dirty just like he did you.  

  5. Not guilt just, dealing with his own stuff. Love doesnt make you glow. It is just the fluffy first part of a relationship that does that. It passes and you have real love.

  6. seems like you still have a LOT of feelings for him. thats why you took the time to observe the change in his appearance. he on the other hand, probably doesn't care abt you at all. instead of focusing on things like, is he glowing or not? is he happy or not? is he tidy or not? focus on this AM I OVER HIM OR NOT? HAVE I MOVED ON? AM I HAPPY? AM I GLOWING AND TIDY?????? secondly, guys face don't glow when they are in love. guys like him glow when they find a new girl to trap and have s*x with. or maybe they glow when they win a million dollar lottery.

    I'd say, you just move on with your life. and one day when you'll finally find the real good guy who'd love and respect you for who you are, YOUR FACE WILL GLOW with happiness.  

  7. he looks untidy and doesn't have a glow because he is tired from sleepless nights. why does he have sleepless nights? not of guilt, dough! from having lots and lots and lots of s*x with his new gorgeous gf. don't try to find smth which is not there. he dumped u, deal with it

  8. Sounds like he made a bad decision.

  9. It's his guilt he feels so guility for what he did!

    I kind of had a situation like that before but he didn't leave me for another woman, he just stopped calling and I did what you did!  But we still saw each other now and then!!

    They all have that gulity look!   Just be glad you know what kind of person he is and that he is not in your life b/c that is what I call an A$$hole!!

    Don't worry you will find someone else!  Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you are not pretty enough!!

  10. First of all you should have talked to him to find out what was going on with this other girl so that you could have a closer on your relationship with him. Because I think he feels bad about what he did to you not telling you about the other girl. Or maybe he is in with this other girl and she is not for him and he misses to be with you. Who knows, why dont you talk to him and then move on girl.

  11. she sounds like she is more maintenance than he anticipated for. your better off.  

  12. Gen, u a obviously a person better off without this jerk. If hes suffering good on him. let him suffer. He made his bed and he has to sleep in it. I doubt its guilt because ppl like this that do these sorts of things dont feel guilt thats y they do it in the 1st place. Ur better then he is babe dont spend ur time worrying over him. Let him make his own dissisions and let him deal with the consequences.  

  13. Maybe he wasn't glowing when you saw him because he saw you first and was reminded of things he didn't want to recall? Or maybe things are not going well for him at work because he's spending so much time doing nice things with his new love? Maybe he looks untidy (an unforgivable sin in your book, presumably) because he's so preoccupied thinking of her.

    Who knows why he looks to you like he's not glowing? If you really need to know, why don't you just ask him?

    Sounds to me like you _want_ him to be unhappy. Which is understandable, although not noble.

    Do whatever you need to do to get over it and move on.

  14. Put the past behind you and move on.  You dwelling on whether or not he looks happy is not a healthy thing.  Stop obsessing about what might be going on in his life, and focus instead on your own.

  15. You said yourself that you don't blame him for leaving you and going with the new girl so why does it matter.

  16. My ex husband is the same way.  He left me for his younger, skinnier secretary but ever since then ( now 4 years later) I never see him laugh and joke and just look happy like he use to.  Even our kids have brought this up about dad never just has "fun" like he use to.  I know why my ex isn't "happy" and that's because he messed up, he knows it, he married a b**** but he is too proud to ever admit it and he knows I would never take him back.  Sounds like your man has realized the exact same thing.  She may be pretty and have more money but that doesn't mean he enjoys her company and has fun with her.  He probably realizes what he did have and how he really messed up but is too proud to ever admit it.  Move on as hard as it sounds and make sure the next guy isn't just after the superficial like our ex's!  Good luck.
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