
Is hamster's know to...?

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Trun on thir owners???

Muffin used to be so sweet until recently...i have had him for about 3 months...he used to never bite but now he does...he has not been frightened and he has never been woken by anyone in this house so what is the problem with him....this just isn't him at all!!!

BTW i don't "Invade" is territory at all...i always play/handle him in his playpen!




  1. It says in my daughter's hamster book that they will bite sometimes if they smell something unfamiliar, like perfume or even a strong scented soap or lotion. They bite to test it out, since they don't have any other way of investigating. It's not out of meanness. They suggest avoiding washing your hands or using lotions or perfume just before handling your hamster, especially anything new that it isn't familiar with.

    Just another thought, which  you probably already know, but....when you reach to pick him up, make sure you're not reaching down right from on top of him. It startles them because your hand looks like a predator, which will make them more likely to bite, simply out of a natural fear/instinct.

    These were just some other thoughts in addition to what the others already suggested. Hope it helps.

  2. He might be stressed out. Is he a Syrian hamster? If he isn't, he should not be alone at all. It is probably too late to get him a friend now (they might fight over territory). So try to give him as much company as possible, buy him good toys(wheel, tube, chewing toy) and give him occasional treats.

    If he does have male company, check his gender again, for all you know, he might actually be a 'she' and could be pregnant!!!

  3. Eat him. Less to worry about then... :]

  4. maybe he is just in a bad mood he might even be not feeling well do some reseach i am sorry this proberly aint helping :(

  5. I don't think so.

  6. i guess when you enter his territory bring a treat, leaf lettuce or a hammy treat. might have to show him you are not an invader.....all over again. not sure what happened......hard to say. he must really love his cage! :)

    my sister had 2 hamsters and omg they were flat out mean. they would race over just to take a chunk out of her for changing the food cups and water. cage cleaning was a pain. then she gave them to my cousin and....the ending wasn't very good.

    it's all just a guess.....and up to you how you deal with it.

  7. Have you left him for a while without holding him? It might be due to not holding him for a while. If you hold him everyday then stop, he will turn on you. I had a hamster do this to me before, and what you do is:

    Take him out with rubber gloves so that if he tries to bite you, it does not hurt. Each day, take him out with the rubber gloves. In about a month, if he does not bite the glove when you take him out, it is safe to take off the gloves when you pull him out.

    Good Luck!

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