
Is handball a real sport?

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Is handball a real sport?




  1. huh?!

    oh! its my first time ive heard of Handball! I know im soo silly!

    Well it sounds like a sport, kinda. Dont take my comment for serious, im just guessing.

    Hope i helped you.

  2. h**l no

  3. yes handball is a real sport, it is really popular in Europe

  4. Some sports are very physical, like Rugby and Basketball. But handball is a bit like golf; you don't get an exercise and it's more of a relaxation game.

  5. Technically it is: Here is how wiki defines it:

    Handball (also known as team handball, field handball, European handball, or Olympic handball) is a team sport where two teams of seven players each (six players and a goalkeeper) pass and bounce a ball trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team.

    The game has a goal similar to but smaller than the one in association football, though as the name implies, the basic method of handling the ball involves the players' hands rather than their feet. The game has been played internationally since the 1920s

    2 days ago

  6. wo knows

  7. No I dont think so........

  8. Yes technically it is a real sport.

    But it isnt as big in canada and america

    as it is in europe and places over in asia.

  9. i guess

  10. Certainly:  ball + players + score + sweat = sport.

    I play a couple of hours, 2-3 times per week.  Much better game than racketball.  You have to use both hands and no one is smacking you in the head with a racket.

    Forget the wikipedia def with the 7-man team.  Handball can be played on the same court as racketball and the rules are similar.  2 -4 players.  Game to 21.


  11. i'd say no.

    its fun and all but if some1 asked me do u play any sports i would'nt say yes i play hand ball.

  12. I entered Yahoo Answers. Clicked sports then handball.

  13. if it is than that is just stupid

  14. go to wikipedia

  15. What's that? Pandaball? Sandfall? Bandcall? Randy Maul?

  16. handball is a very known sport in other country and it is an Olympic event. all country play it except the UK and the USA.

  17. Technically it is: Here is how wiki defines it:

    Handball (also known as team handball, field handball, European handball, or Olympic handball) is a team sport where two teams of seven players each (six players and a goalkeeper) pass and bounce a ball trying to throw it in the goal of the opposing team.

    The game has a goal similar to but smaller than the one in association football, though as the name implies, the basic method of handling the ball involves the players' hands rather than their feet. The game has been played internationally since the 1920s

  18. I don't know, I've never heard of it.

  19. handball is a gangster sport

  20. probably more of a game, like badmitton

  21. The Handball I am most familar with was once refered to as "ghetto tennis" somewhere and is played with a blue ball.

    I love it and it's highly underrated. It's a popular underground type sport here in New York and there are tournaments throughout the summer. It's fun to watch and play once you give it a chance.

    To me, it's 95% mental, anyone can play as long as they develop the skill. I've beaten guys who look stronger and bigger than me, I've seen women beat men, kids beat older players, vice versa, etc.

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