
Is he into me at all?

by Guest65428  |  earlier

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I met this guy about a week before school ended. He is going to a different school in the fall, but in the same city.

We became facebook friends, and were sort of jokey-flirty. We wrote a LOT to each other. Things elevated to texting and some I'm conversations and talking a couple times.

By the CONTENT of what we say to each other, its a lot of joking around, flirty, and a conversation you could have with anyone you really got along with.

By the FREQUENCY of our interaction, I'm not so sure. He often takes a whlie to respond to facebook & text messaging (which I know is instant).

He even came to my city twice over the summer, but never even mentioned he would be in town.

I called him once, but he said he was busy & he'd call back, but he sent me a text at 2am saying that he just got caught up in things. but nonetheless, never called me back.

He is probably the sweetest guy I've ever known (it's just his personality). I live where there are a LOT of attractive people around, and he's probably not the most attractive guy. I'm not trying to be mean, just honest.

Even so, I WANT this guy. I fantasize about him. He is absolute sweetest guy, and in my estimation, not a player.

It's been THREE MONTHS since I've met him. When we were still in school, he vaguely suggested we 'hang out' together, but there was no follow through.

Okay, so perhaps these are not the most fortuitous circumstances to be judging someone. giving that we've been on break.

But, if I were a guy, I would have tried to make more of an effort to talk to/meet up with/hang out with a girl.

And I think I've been fairly obvious with flirting. We talked about s*x, masturbation, and I joking/flirtingly commented on his body a few times. I don't know what else I could have said, short of "I WANT TO **** YOU"

Do actions speak louder than words?

Is he interested or is he just being friendly?

Note: I'm getting weary wanting this guy. so I didn't say anything to him for four days, and I get a text from him after 4 days saying "things are pretty quiet over there." Would you say that to a friend?




  1. That's quite a riddle...I would say that to a girl friend or just a special friend. by the indications you've made He seems to be into you just the way you are...You just need to push things further to find out what the truth is... and yes, actions do speak more than words...

  2. try the lonesome and forlorn section

  3. i have a friend in internet,i didnt meet him till now,,and i know him4 years..and i have same feeling like yours to him,but hes a playboy,and he say this,,he had s*x with bitchs and even cheaters,and one time he told me one of his s*x lasted for 5 hours coz he couldnt be o****m.....i told him ur s**t,,and he accept it...but with all these hatefull things i knew about him in these 4 years,i like him,coz he is very sweet in talking,and really not dirty when he talk to me(much more polite than those who never have this kind of sexlife ),with full of knowledge   in everything,that never make me feel tired ,and i belive the only poblem i have with him is this,,about your case,i belive its better you continue ur normal relation with him,,jus as a friend,,and during a long time,,you surely will know him...and if you find out hes not into you oneday,and you still like to be his friend,,just have your relation with him,without any sexual act..just behave him as a normal friend..not for marriage,or any serious relation...for me it worked ,i just talk to my friend,and i try to have my relation with him,,but i never gonna meet him,and if i meet its be serious ...he came to my country many times,,and he never took time to see me ,,he told me ,he is a busy man,,,but its not belivable ,he jus dont care about having relation with what kind of females,.......finaly i would say,passing a time solve everything,you can findout he is real or not..  if someone  put a time for you, understand you, dont want to play,really a nice talker,and you enjoy about talking to him,,then he has a worth ! and of course you can have this judgement about him,not through what he says to you,,coz Words are just words ,,they coming easily...all ppl can be good in words if they want,but who is a realone????

  4. sorta wrong section.. unless this is a joke ^^
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