
Is he obessed with me?

by  |  earlier

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i've been hanging out with this guy, i guess you could call my boyfriend. i'm sixteen [seventeen next month] and he's twenty, which some of you might think is weird, but, yeah. we hang out basically everyday, like this week, for example, we hung out six out of the seven days of the week, only because i had to go somewhere one of the days. he texts me all day. if we reach a stopping point he texts me agian a half hour or less later, always, unless he's busy. we've only been hanging out for about a week and a half, but i feel like i know him so well from all the time we spend together.

he's asked me to move in with him when he goes back to college next month. he roller-bladed about four or so miles to my house in the pouring rain just to see me. he's told me that he wants us to be together always/forever. he's told me that he could stay with me forever. he tells me that i'm "beautiful" alot, and he always has to have his arm around me usually or something like that. but he doesn't try to hurry me to "do stuff" with him, which is kind of different to me. he'll hang around my parents. if i'm texting somebody else when i'm with him, he'll either ask: "who are you texting" or just look at my phone. he basically always wants to be with me, and its bothering my parents i think.

so i was just wondering what everybody thinks?




  1. he might just really like you or he could become a stalker or someone who can become obsessed with you seeing how you have only known him for a week no guy seeing how he is an adult now should be askign you where your going or looking at your cellphone or calling you non stop to see what your doing or he could be trying to show you that he really likes you alot either way good luck and make sure you know alittle about him before moving in with a complete stranger good luck

  2. Yes he is very obsessed.  You are only seventeen and will have no life if you get with this guy.  You say its only been a week and a half??  Wow can you imagine what will happen if you move in with him.  Your parents have a bad feelling because they see that he is the type that would be extremely overbearing.  Be careful.  Dont rush into this, the signs are all bad....

  3. Sounds like he's in love with you.

  4. he just sounds like he is completely in love with you!

    which can lead to a bit of obsessional behaviour, make sure you tell him though if it gets a bit too much

  5. I wouldn't call someone a stalker or obsessed until you've expressed your concern and he doesn't back off.

    Just thinking back I remember my teen years as being very emotionally intense, yet I also had little social skills or coping skills. Beeing a teenager is very tough!

    It is likely he likes you a lot and is overwhelmed by all the strong feelings he isn't used to. Yes he's probably jealous when he sees you texting others, etc. Being that "into" someone is a common (and painful) part of being a teenager. Teens have to learn boundries and social skills, and most of this is done through painful experience.

    Be kind to him but express your feelings. Say that sometimes when people want to be around each other so much it can feel stifling and let him know that you need time to yourself or time with other people. He will probably be hurt... but only if he respects your wishes will you know if he was just overly enthusiastic or really obsessed. Feelings are very strong when you are a teenager, and rejection can be very devastating so make sure you insert plenty of compliments and good points when you tell him, so he doesn't feel like you're rejecting him. Good luck!
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