
Is he right to be mad?

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me and my boyfriend have been together 2 1/2 years, he has always treated me with such respect and he has never once pressured me into doing anything i dont wanna do. well this summer i told him i wanted to have s*x. i told my mom and she got me birth control and was just happy that i came and talked to her. there was no way i was having s*x if i wasnt on the pill and i made that really clear. we thought it was going to happen a couple of times but each time i couldnt get the pill so i had to make him wait. well last friday we had a date set in stone. but my cousin came and i havent seen him in a long time so i canceled again and he got really mad.. i see his point hes never pressured me and i have gotten his hopes up alot.. do you think he has a right to be upset with me? im going to hawaii for 2 weeks in 2 days so it probably wont happen that soon.. hes a little ticked about that to but hes not really mad any more. what is your take on the situation?




  1. s*x shouldnt really be planned...theres always something it will happene when the time is right, he should just be happy to be getting any, and good for you protecting yourself

  2. I think that s*x should be in the moment, not planned.

  3. It shouldn't really be planned. Just go with the moment when it feels right. IF he can't wait, then he isn't worth it.

  4. If he is getting pissed about you NOT having s*x, Im wondering what he is with you for.   I mean, doesnt he know that you are a great person, with or without the s*x?  He has waited for 2.5 years.  He cant wait another couple of weeks?  Give me a break...

    If it were me, I'd be getting a little mad at HIM.  Its not like you are blowing him off.  You have real and legitimate reasons, and you are prepared.  You have given him every faith, and done your homework so you are protected, the least he can do is give you a little bit more time!

  5. You say that he hasn't 'really pressured' you.  And you say that he isn't 'really mad' anymore.  I sense some immediate pressure.  If it was truly what you wanted, and in your own time, it would have happened already.  I think you should wait and save yourself for someone who is mature enough that you can trust him with your emotions!  Losing your virginity only happens once, and trust me, you will have some needy emotions after you do it.
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