
Is he scared or something??

by  |  earlier

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So theres this guy, i like him and well i know he likes me too but to me it seems like hes scared or something. Weve hung out before and well ive known him for like 3 years. It just seems that when everything is going good with us he backs out and like we have to start all over..

Does he like me? Is he scared or something?




  1. He feels uncomfortable when the relationship gets too close, and he backs away. He needs some emotional distance or he gets scared.

    I think you're going to be very frustrated with this guy. How much fun can it be if he keeps backing away? :P

  2. I may be wrong, but I think there is some one/ something else in the mix.  People tell us who there are from day one, but we overlook the cues for many reasons.   This guy could change,but why subject yourself to his metamorphosis.  Just the fact that you are asking this question means your red flag is going off.  That is God-given discernment.  Your head is telling your heart to think.   A great guy will pursue you and run to not from you when the getting is good.  

    good luck

  3. he's just nervous or shy....he probably over thinking of what should he do.....but yea he likes...he's just nervous

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