
Is history repeating itself?

by Guest57403  |  earlier

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Each week the Melbourne football Club appear to be following Fitzroy's demise, although stynes is doing his best so did the save fitzroy brigade all to no avail, the melbourne players are at best struggling to make the grade except for a handfull and looks like it is only a matter of time before the afl boot them out.




  1. Seems like it to me.

  2. I don't think so. Yes, they are performing badly on the field, but off the field they are making some progress. I would like to see them stay in the AFL, they are a very historically rich and traditional club.

  3. No it's not what happened 100 years ago it's diffrent

  4. The AFL should step in and assist Melbourne to become competitive . It would be a sad day for Victorian and AFL football if they went under. They have so much tradition and history.

  5. Yep, it's repeating itself, alright!

    I just wish they'd hurry up & fold. They are pain in rear & are spoiling the competition.

  6. they will survive

  7. nah i dont think so mate, they arent doing good when playing afl but a couple of weeks back they raised 2million at a dinner thingo to kill their debt of four million, and they (on the footy show i heard this) raised $35,000 dollars within the first 10minutes of the show just by putting their donation line up onto the screen, they also have a website where people can donate to get rid of their debt.

    They are performing well in terms of getting money even though they are not playing as well good football.


    Cos there f****n GAYBOS!

  9. **I think if Melbourne isn't careful they could end up going down the same road as Fitzroy did - and I think that'd be really sad.

    The AFL don't seem too worried about Melbourne folding, they're more interested in getting more teams in other states.**

  10. Ya  

  11. .......

  12. Haha

  13. yes,  

  14. No

  15. umm...YA! it ttly is!

  16. Could possibly be. Melbourne's time is running out. Tick tock, Tick tock.

  17. I think they will fold. I am a passionate Melbourne supporter and I hope with all my heart they don't fold but lets face facts. They are currently $3 million in debt, members, fans and sponsors have been contributing to the debt demo and wiped off almost $2 million (that leaves that $3 million figure it was 5 mill) I don't expect the AFL to continually prop us up, the onus must fall back to each club. And the members can't continually be asked to donate especially when you have CEO contracts to pay out because you didn't think they fit in and sack them after a few months of employment.

    I have sent the MFC several e-mails informing them that I have countless stratergies on how to bust this debt. trust me these ideas work, they have worked for companies in the past and they can work for the MFC, however I have not received a single piece of correspondents from them.

    I really can't see them staying afloat because they don't seem keen to investigate there options.

    I'm sure a few of you will disagree with me.

  18. I don't think there is really a such thing.

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