
Is homeschooling for r****d people?

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Is homeschooling for r****d people?




  1. Absolutely not.  Many of my friends (and myself) were homeschooled through most of elementary school through high school.  In college, half of us were valedictorians of our graduating class.  Now that we have all graduated college and we're working, we're all doing really well and are receiving promotions faster than most of our peers.

  2. "Retarded" people can be homeschool just as anyone can, there no law that not allow them, and they have capable to learn in home with loving caring family.

  3. No. Where'd you hear that? I know a girl who was home schooled and she is really really intelligent. I would like to home school my children when I have them.

  4. That should be "retardED" instead of r****d.

    No, it is to avoid the redardedness you see from kids today.

    But parents can and do home school the mentally disabled.

  5. No.  Your question is offensive.

  6. NO.

    I know quite a few homeschoolers, and they're ALL very smart.

  7. Yes, a lot of dysfunctional and educationally challenged do it and excell.  In one year a 7th grader when from 2nd grade reading to 5th grade reading via homeschool, which isn't bad.

    Generally for the "atypical" student who is a self starter with a good program and parental supervision they are 2-3 grade ahead of public schoolers and 1-2 grade ahead of Montessori and Catholic type private schools.

    The typical homeschooler is College ready by 17 or 16

  8. That is so WRONG!!! Homeschoolers are almost always smarter then kids who aren't. We get all the one on one attention we need. I have never met a stupid homeschooler.

  9. nope...becuase one of my best friends are homed school and hes not retared..well in his social life he is!! lol

  10. The term "r****d" is offensive to those who are cognitively delayed or have some type of mental disability.

    Homeschooling is for those who want their children to get a quality education and have the time to teach/guide them in their learning.  It is for motivated teenagers who are enthusiastic, self-motivated, and want to spend their high school years learning and being who they are instead of trying to fit in with the crowd.  It is a lifestyle for those who believe family and education are a priority.

  11. NO! I was homeschooled for 1/2 a year last year, and I am NOT retarded. My cousin, who is mentally retarded, wasnt homeschooled. Homeschooling is so that people can learn at their own pace, and can actually take time learning! I learned more by teaching myself than I do sitting in front of a boring teacher for 7 hours.

  12. No smart children get bored in school , because they spend to much time on a subject that a child already know. When children are young two or three That is when they learn the most, theire little mines are soaking up information like a sponge soaks up water. That is why we need to teach them ever thing we can before they reach the teen years,That is when their  thinking slows down.

    That is when, people think they are acting up it is normal. Children start to learn as baby's they listen and watch. They repeat what they hear and see.That is why we should set a good example for them to go by. I had a baby setting business, once and we had school projects ever day. I tryed to prepare them for school.

    And I have teached children with special needs to get them prepared for school.

    Yes some people take their children out of school because they are slow and the teacher doesn't have time to help them keep up.

    Queen Bee

  13. Homeschooling is for anyone.  My cousin homeschools her two kids, and my husband who is a university professor says they're way advanced than regular public schooled kids.  There is a lot of research suggesting that home schooled kids are very successful.  My husband believes that the commitment of the parents, the time they spend on home schooling and their level of education plays a huge part in it.

  14. Wow, you question is poorly done.  Are you a "redard people"

         You could use a more acceptable term like "special" "challenged "disabled" or something less inflamatory, but you public school kids do have the worst manners.

         As for your conjugation, the word should be "retarded" unless you are using it in noun form, which you aren't as it is a modifier to the word "people"  You must be pretty "special"

    As for the answer to your question - I went to college at 15.  I graduated at 19.  I play four musical instruments, speak 3 languages (besides my english, which is clearly better than yours) and the public school in my district had to put in a mother-to-be program because all the "well-socialized" public school kids couldn't figure out how to not get pregnant.  

    Sounds to me like they were the "r****d people"

  15. This question is offensive.

    I will list the reasons I think so plainly:

    1.Most homeschoolers are actually smarter than their public schooled peers.

    2.It's mean to call anyone "retarded",it's a crude and mean term for a slow learner.

    3.Ivory league colleges actively seek out homeschooled students for their scholarships because they are worth the scholarship money spent on them.

    So,no! homeschooling is not "for r****d people".

  16. Studies show children who are home schooled have a high chance of not doing drugs, not skipping school, and going to college. In most contests, the public school students are the ones to drop out first.

  17. no,home schooling  is for anyone that wants to be taught at home.Some parents prefer to have their children taught through home schooling. I believe that the teacher is more qualified to teach than I certainly am.

  18. Your question is incredibly offensive.   The word would be retarded but even that word is no longer used as it is very mean and crude.

    I have two children with special needs and I have a gifted child.   How dare you come along and call my sweet, loving 9yr old child a r****d.  

    Yes, she learns slower then others but that doesn't give you any right to bully and call names even on a computer.  You need to grow up.

  19. Schooling is made so you WON'T be retarded

    No school is for r****d people

    (unless it's actually a school for the mentally handicapped)

  20. Homeschooling is for everyone.  Kids do much better academically in homeschooling than in public school.  Public school is a poor replacement for good parenting.

    As far as your question...... Children with disabilities do well in homeschooling.  I have seen many children far surpass the expectations that society has for them in a homeschool setting. Public education is a poor choice for any child.  It is a horrendous choice for a child with special needs.

  21. No. Or rather, it's for any family willing to take their children's education on, regardless of the child's ability.

    And you might want to watch your choice of words.

  22. No.  My sister was homeschooled every year except 4th grade and kindergarden.  She is now an excellent doctor, married to a doctor.

  23. no its for students who either were  picked on or who's parents didnt want them going to public school

  24. Some of the most intelligent, "normal" people I know are or were home-schooled.

  25. No way!! i'm a homeschooler myself!

  26. not, not necessarily.

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