
Is homosexulity a social phenomenon?

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  1. if you mean as an unusual event then no. i don't think it's unusual for people to be g*y.

  2. i dont think so i think your born that way and since now days people are more open minded not many are afraid to admit how they are anymore than back in the day. i think man ppk are born this way it's just no day many admit it more thats why old ppl are saying oh, its a social thing. but not really. its just like women got right to vote and blacks go the right to share the same driking fountain with whites its just no ones afraid to admit it now days.

  3. no, people arent born g*y, thats a choice. They just dont want peopel to know that because it could possibly take away rights

  4. No, it's not. People don't CHOOSE to be homosexual, they just ARE. I can understand that it may seem like a social phenomenon since it can seem like everyone's g*y, but that's only because people are coming out now with more confidence than they did back then. Just 'cause in the past, I believe people were killed if anyone were to know they were homosexual. Hope this helps.

  5. It is a society running out of control. Anything goes is the new mantra. It is so out of control that it is being pushed in our public school system. If they want to be homosexual, then fine. But it shouldn't be taught in schools as though its acceptable. It is not. And we are entitled to our opinions. It has to be reversed. Bringing it into the school sytem has gone to far.

  6. Contrary to majority opinion, homosexuality has always, is, and will always be, an abomination. To make it appear more acceptable socially, however, someone became inspired to offer 'scientific" explanations to make this sexual activity appear as something you're born with. And to set up a community, combined with civil rights terminology. You cannot equate sexuality with ethnicity (race), however. Different ballgame.

    In the beginning, man was designed for woman, and vice versa, to reproduce. Even nature shows that male and female are to create a union for multiplication purposes. Male-male, and female-female pairings can only recruit.

    It's not the people we should hate, but the activity (lust).

  7. Just so you know there is no "right" or "wrong" answer to this question, as nothing can be definitively proven about that, and maybe never well...

    everyone has different philosophies about this, and there are different theories of why people are homosexual, ranging from biological to cultural to classical conditioning.

    I personally feel that it is not - why would you chose to be something that will guarantee you to be ostracized by society, stereotyped, assaulted, and treated as inferior?  I don't think anyone would chose to do that.  Maybe something early in life DOES influence people to be homosexual, or maybe it's biological, but I firmly believe it is something that is within the individual from a very early age.  It's not like someone says at 16 "hmm, maybe being g*y would be interesting."

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