
Is ice taxable in California?

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For example... when I purchase a bag of ice at a gas station, is it supposed to be taxed or non taxed?




  1. this is considered food it shouldn't be taxed ......

  2. Non taxed. Here in California, they're not supposed to charge taxes on food.

  3. Yes, it is taxable.  In California it is considered to be part of the taxes on non-needed foods i.e., snack foods.  But, in most states if the ice is over a certain weight, it can be taxed.  Not sure of the reasoning on that.

  4. Yep they dont charge taxes on food in california.

  5. Ice made from potable water is zero-rated when sold

    as ice cubes or as a large block, regardless of how

    the ice is used. Ice made from water not suitable for

    human consumption (non-potable water), including

    salt water, is taxable.

    The solid form of carbon dioxide is known as dry

    ice. Dry ice is not suitable for human consumption

    and is taxable.

  6. Ice is usually subject to tax because it is usually not used as food for human consumption. Refer to the BOE publication listed below. Ice is listed on page 1 as a taxable sale (Tax Tips for Liquor Stores)

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