
Is it Depression? Puberty? Or what?

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for the past year i have isolated myself from my friends and family i dont hangout with my friends that much anymore like on weekends i dont really go anywere and i dont go to most of the family events anymore like i use to i feel kind of sad alot and have become very short tempered.

What do you think?

Please be serious

Thank you C=




  1. Well, how old are you exactly?  If you're in your teens, it might be hormones (but not a sure thing.  Teenagers are allowed to be depressed too), but if you're in your twenties, then you're definitely depressed and then the rest is up to you.

  2. think about it....your obviously not going to be like this forever right ?'s just a faze, it may be a really long one, but thats what it is. bc your a teen and THATS WHAT WE DO

  3. Well, it could be puberty? I remember myself going through it and I remember lashing out at my friends for doing mean things to me (when normally when they did mean things to me - I would let it slide) It stopped after a while though, found some new friends. I learned to stop keeping things bottled up.

    If it is depression, what could you be depressed about? I am sorry I couldn't help you out with a lot I tried my best :)

  4. I have become something similar to that for a while, when I was a senior in high school. For some reason I felt as though no one understood me. I started blaming my dad for leaving my mom (divorced when I was five). I went back to my hobbies and started getting real into them, like doing research, like for me it was basketball. And that's how I got more involved with the outside world, with family and friends, because I just felt more confident with other people. Also, shortly after high school, I worked for the first time, part-time, at AMC theaters, and I think that helped a lot with all the human interaction. So I think if you stick with what you like to do, then maybe your self-esteem will go up.

    I don't think it's really serious. I think it's something everyone goes through.It's more of a experience than a regret after you go through this phase of your life. I'm not sure how old you are, but you'll learn from it.

    Oh yeah, maybe if you try blogging, or writing a journal then those things can help you let out all the feelings and ideas you have about life... and shtuff.

  5. It just depends, I guess.

    If you have had something traumatic happen, then it's okay to pull back or  want to be alone for awhile.

    I go through times where I just want to be alone and isolate myself, and I can't really explain it.

    Try talking to someone close to you about it and see what they say?

  6. This have happens to me before and it was hard to tell if it was depression or not. So basically to help you is what I did is to move on. My friends and I grew apart just because we have nothing in common anymore which means I have to find new ones to have something in common with. Also I just get a new job which helps me to keep myself busy working and making new friends. My point is that trying new experiences will help to keep your positive energy happening. Hopefully it helps you too!  

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