
...Is it a real problem i...?

by  |  earlier

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Seem to want more attention than he has time for? He's 21, In the USMC, and He is only here on weekends.

Yet, I find that everytime we're together, he wants me to go with him to his parents house to sleep (what's the d**n fun in that??)

And even if we stay at my place, he gets a call in the morning from either his friends wanting to hang out, or his parents needing him to do arrands and sh*t like that....(We've been engaged since last September, and he still hasn't told his folks...)

It's like He's here to have s*x with me, then gone as soon as he has the opportunity.

Am I overreacting?

Guys and gals, real answers please?




  1. No. You are not overreacting. Talk to him and ask him the same questions. Why doesn't he want to go out to a movie or dinner with you? Why hasn't he told his parents you are engaged? Something is not right here and you deserve to know. Ask him point blank and if he doesn't give you the right answers, dump him. You can do better.  

  2. you should be happy,

    mine lives in another city due to his probation until november and i only see him once a month. Im think the only reason why he wants to sleep with you is cause he has to sleep alone on the week days he wants that feeling of you there next to him at night.Just ask him to ask his parents if he can spend atleast one weekend with you. if he loves you, then he'll ask them to give him the weekend off from doing arrends. and when his friends call wanting to hang out ask if you can come along or go where all of ya'll can have fun or ask for their girlfriends to come along or their closest female friend if they dont have a girlfriend and just hang out like that.

       Hope it helps.

    good luck


  3. You've been engaged for nearly 1 yr & he hadn't told his parents? Ok, this could be caused by a range of issues.

    1- He is scared to tell his parents. (He still has breastmilk on his breath) Grow up dude!

    2- He isn't ready to get married, and he has no plans on telling his parents about the engagement.

    3- He is losing interest in the relationship

    4- He is just backwards and isn't sure what to do

    If he jumps when his friends call him to hang out, and all he does is take you to his parents house to sleep, its time for you to get the h**l on with your life and leave him. Unless you want to stay with him and continue to be treated like this. But you asked for an opinion.

    Im sorry if this sounds a little harsh but I can't sugar coat the truth.

    He may love you, but he isn't in love with you. I am sorry but you have to move on.

    Or you can do the norm and speak to him and ask him why...........but im going to tell you what the response willl be

    "Im tired" "You know I'm always there for my parents" "Just a couple of us are going out to watch the game, it will be boring to you" "I thought you enjoyed being alone with me"

    Lol, no I never been in this situation, but I can smell b.s.!!

  4. take it easy

    be cool

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