
Is it bad working in mcdonalds?

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Is it bad working in mcdonalds?




  1. well no because you can learn alot there like how to organize something quickly, i think this is a bad answer well i tried.

  2. I worked McDonalds in my younger years. It wasnt that bad. In my opinion as long as you have a job and you are trying to do for yourself no decent job is a bad one.

  3. Not at all. Its a job and it pays.

  4. Not if your in your teens or 20's but if your an adult around 30 and above this might be bad because your not being paid enough and paying bills on mininum wage isn't good. If your a teen then no, some offer scholarships and get paid easy money.

  5. It depends what age. If you are 18+ that means you have a poor job at Mcdonald's. You have a bad degree. But, if you are like 6 or something around that age then no problem.

  6. Yes.  they treat you really bad there

  7. only if you're the mascot

  8. beats being on welfare

  9. no what ever pays the bills its better then not working at all

  10. To all the snobs complaining about working at McDonald's, you take what you can get when you need money. That's all.

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