
Is it considered rape if.....

by  |  earlier

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If 2 people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol would it be considered rape if they had s*x?

What if the guy was under the influence and the girl wasn't?




  1. It would depend.  If both were under the influence of drugs and alcohol but one still forced s*x on the other then yes.  If the s*x was consentual then no.   If the guy was under the influence but still forced s*x then yes.  If s*x was consentual then no.  

  2. If it wasn't for alcohol a lot of people would not have s*x.  lol.

    Consenting s*x between 2 adults is not considered rape.  If one is drugged (alcohol also) to the point of passing out and the other takes advantage, then it is rape.  In your scenario you did not mention age, or incapacitation (passing out).  Also, the intoxication or drugs need to be voluntary for it not to be rape.

  3. If both are concenting adults at the time, no.  

  4. i think if both are under the influence then it can't be considered rape cause if its strong stuff and you forget everything how is it you knew what you were doing. Now if its just the guy its sorta the same thing unless people saw you acting perverted all over girls trying to get them in a room.....

    then your in trouble X D

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