
Is it disobedience ?

by  |  earlier

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when i unleash my dog it never stays with me

it can go up to 150+ meters away and i yell to it

but it wont listen.

Is it disobedience , or all dogs do that ?




  1. yes that is bad. I would talk to a trainer about working on your recall. I love  your avatar by the way

  2. You should not ever unleash a dog that is not 100% under voice control and responsive to recalls if you are outside of an enclosed area.  If you don't know how to properly train your dog to listen, get signed up for some basic obedience classes, they will help.  

  3. This is very unsafe!!

    A solid recall is a must if you want to have your dog of leash.

    Consult a trainer who will work with you and your dog. Until then keep your dog on a leash at all times.

  4. It isn't 'disobedience' if you haven't trained your dog to be 100% reliable. Being off leash is one of the best rewards for any dog. Teaching it that coming when called isn't all that difficult if you have a good foundation/relationship with your dog - but it *does* require some training.

  5. you have to train it  

  6. training your dog and understanding the dynamics of training is very important.

    what are you yelling when you yell? r u using a command that you use all the time when you need the dog to come to you?

    training is all about consistency.  consistency in the words you use and the tone in your voice and the hand motions you use.  you can't be leanient while you are training....

    it's just like when you were a kid... if you snuck out of the house one night and didn't would do it time and time again.... so make sure you catch him\her in all the wrong behaviors and correct them with the commands you trained with.

    work on training him\her on other minor tricks. (sit, stay, come, down, paw) and then lead into letting him\her off the leash.  letting them off the leash is a MAJOR deal.  so...get her to learn the small things..then move to the big things.

    think about it....if you take him\her off the leash... you would use the "sit" command.  then the "stay" command.. bc you want him\her to stay there and not run away.

    good luck

    all the best :)

  7. It's only disobedience if you have already trained your dog and it is suddenly doing this. I you are unleashing (literally) your dog, then you need to train your dog. I did years ago. When I called she came, I told her to heel, and she stayed at my side even with other dogs around. I told her to kill, and she'd try to l**k me to death.  ;)

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