
Is it easy being green?

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Environmentally... that is

Is it as easy as people say it is?




  1. There are a lot of small things that are real easy like changin your bulbs, buying a fuel efficient car (that doesn't necessarily mean hybrid), and recycling.  I also use canvas reusable bags when I shop so I reduce plastic bag waste.  Other things are much more complicated like solar heating.  I think the best way to be green it to do your best and make sure you educate others.  I love when people look at me at the local grocery with my canvas bags.  Some roll their eyes while others ask where they can get some.  Little things are easy to educate others about.

  2. This really depends upon your life style and where you live. If you live in a city it would be easier because there they have recycling drop-off's, stores with all the supplies you need to stay green, etc. but if you live out on a farm it probably would be more difficult. It isn't that hard to stay green in a city however, it does need a little bit of work.

    The biggest part of going green is to Recycle, Reduce, and Reuse. I think the hardest one would probably be reducing--depending on the person again. Most people forget that they are wasting something when they use it. Just set boundaries for yourself, try to use only ____ amount of paper, or try to turn your lights out everytime you leave the room.

    Recycling can be very VERY easy, many neighborhoods now have a recycling bin or a garbage can that collects recyclables, so you don't even have to leave your house for it. I would say always recycle your soda cans, because they take 200 years to decompose.

    Many things are very reusable. You can reuse water bottles and grocery bags, probably the most, but try and reuse everything.

    Lastly, just walking saves a lot of oil and doesn't increase the amount of pollution already in the air. It's also good for you! It really isn't that hard to go green, as long as you remember (Which I think is the hardest part) to do it.

  3. It is.  You just need to put little small efforts like throwing cans and bottles in recycling bins and turning off unneeded appliances.  It doesn't take much energy.

  4. As an avid environmentalist I fully believe that it's easy being green. Of course the larger things such as converting your house to solar electricity may be more difficult, but there are so many little things that you can do to make a BIG impact. For example, don't use plastic bags: they take about 500 years to decompose in landfills, and when they do, they start to release toxins into the ground. And dont use paper bags either- for the obvious reason that it takes alot of trees to make those things. Instead of paper or plastic, opt for a cloth bag. You can reuse them practically forever, and you can sometimes even get some that are made from recycled fibres or organic cotton- even better!

    Then there are the obvious things that you can do like walking/riding your bike/taking public transit instead of driving everywhere, turning off lights when you leave the room, and using compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandesent bulbs.

    Also, another big solution that's often overlooked is composting. I know my family is a great example of how big of an impact composting can have on the amount of garbage that we send to the landfills- its amazing! Before we started composting, we had about 2 bags of garbage at every collection and now that we compost we've gotten that down to just one bag. Could you imagine if everyone composted? There would be so much less garbage going to landfills. And goodness knows that thats a good thing.

    There are some other things that you can do as well, such as avoiding styrofoam cups for coffee, or the coffee cups that are wax coated (as this type of cardboard can't be recycled), and use a reusabe mug instead.

    These are just a few of many, many, many, things that you can do to make this world a better place.

  5. Yes, the first step is to reduce your use and need of things - what can you cut out, what can you cut down on etc

    Then reuse what you have for other things, use other peoples cast offs, 2nd hand etc - tatting is a great way of getting stuff you need free.

    Those 2 things will make a huge difference - then you can become more conscious where you buy things from - supporting local trades people supports your community and cuts down on transportation etc. Not buying from multinational companies, not buying from supermarkets (helps with reducing packaging waste too)

    Growing your own fruit and veg etc helps too - buying local, seasonal, organic helps.

    If you buy new, buy ethical - local, organic, revamped, fairtrade if its from abroad.

    Get your electricity from a good company - Good Energy is 100% renewable (uk).

    If you can afford to get solar panel, wind turbine, hydro power (all depends on where you are and budget)

    Insulate your home well.

    Walk and cycle more, use public transport more.

    Dont use commercial chemical products - lemon juice, white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, soda crystals, borax etc all make excellent cleaning products for your home with added essential oils - citrus, thyme, tee tree are good ones to use.

    Start slowly, research the companies you buy from, research ethical companies.

    Finally - if you have to,  recycle any waste you produce that you can use for anything else or pass on to anyone else.

  6. It's only as easy as you make it.

    You just need the right stuff, look around before you buy.

    Remember one can't take a boat to an airplane race and hope to win.

  7. yes it is.

    as simple as having a bag or box next to your trash can for recycleables.

    it's simplier than ever. but the thing is...

    the world is LAZY.

    most people just dump all the recylceables into the trash. when they could just sort it and help save the enviroment.

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