
Is it illegal in Texas?

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for a 19 year old to have a baby with a 17 year old even if none of the families have a problem with it?




  1. It is statutory rape for an adult (18) to have any kind of sexual relationship with a minor (under 18) even if the minor says it is OK.  If arrested and convicted, the adult will have prison time and have to register with law enforcement wherever he/she lives as a s*x offender for the rest of his/her life.

    Since it is so close to the 17 year old to being adult, why the rush?  Why not wait until both are legal adults and are married?  s*x originally was intended, besides being the way to reproduce, as an expression of love between 2 adults who are married to each other.  It wasn't supposed to be like a neighborhood dog running around mating with all the other dogs in heat.  My wife and I both were virgins on our wedding night and have been married for over 30 years.  We have never regretted waiting until the honeymoon to have s*x all these years later.  Do yourself a favor and wait until you're married.  Then you won't have to worry about the law.

  2. No, but not because the parents say it is okay. The age of consent in Texas is 17. Additionally, it is an affirmative defense if the older person is no more than 3 years older that the younger person.

  3. My understanding is that 17 is the age of consent in Texas.  My sister was 17 when she got pregnant by a 30 year old and my mom couldn't do anything about it.  Since there is only a two year gap I also don't see issue with it legally.  However, to be on the safe side you should contact your local police station on their non-emergency number and ask them.  They are familiar with the age of consent laws.    

  4. The age of consent – or the age at which one ceases to be a minor – is 17, according to Texas statutory rape laws.

  5. age of consent in texas is 17 so no it is not illegal

  6. Hi ! I don't want to intrude but, being french, I'm very curious of the laws in other, even admitting  that having a child at these ages is illegal in Texas, what can be done... legally speaking, to

    restrain the "trespassers"?


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