
Is it my fault if.......?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, so here's the deal. I pull in to my girlfriend's school parking lot, i park at the fire lane because its the quickest way to pick her up, my engine is running, i'm in park, and 2-3 minutes later I get hit in the rear bumper by a car who was pulling out of the disabled spot. I was parked at least 10 feet away. he accepted responsibility and was willing to pay for the damages. Later, he calls me and tells me he is not liable because he finds out that i parked in the fire lane. Is it really my fault? He hit me! I wasn't moving! It was a quick pick up! Opinions or advice please.




  1. It would still be his fault but you will have to take a butt chewing from the judge if it goes that far, just turn everything over to your insurance company.....

  2. I am guessing that you did not call the police to get a police report.  Advice for the future, always get a police report when someone hits you.  It will make things like this a lot easier.  

    The first thing you usually do is exchange license and insurance information.  You should call his insurance agency and put in a claim and let them sort it out.  You were parked illegally, but he should have been able to see you and if he could not back out asked you to move.

  3. call his insurance company and they will sort it out.  you were not parked illegally because technically you were 'idleing'  there's a difference.  And, he should have checked anyway because someone could've been driving through there, and he would have hit them too.

  4. Their fault, so stick to your guns, but you should not have parked there.

  5. No it's not your fault, it's his fault for causing the accident. His reasoning doesn't have logic, otherwise we can hit any illegally parked vehicle and then claim it's their driver's fault.

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