
Is it natural to think this?

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i've been with my boyfriend for a year nearly now and i'm just going into my last year at high school and hes starting collage. he is my first love and i'm his. we're very much in love, and we've only ever had one major argument since we've been together, we seem to be getting stronger and stronger and he's never done anything to betray my trust. he never has a wandering eye etc etc. we see each other everyday and he always a gentleman.

but i can't help but be worried that i'm going to loose him as hes going into his first year in collage. i will be joining him in a years time in collage too, but i can't help but worry that some girl will come along and sweep him off his feet.

i'm always self concious and i'm not the prettiest or skinniest of girls but i'm scared that a skinny stunning model looking girl will just come along and take him away. [even though he says i'm beautiful and he loves my body and never would want a skinny girl] i just can't help but feel like this.

is it natural to think these things or am i being over paranoid? because everyone tells me that collage and high school are two different worlds and i know they are, but hes always been the one who i can tell everything to, just turn to as most of my friends have betrayed my trust this year, if i lost him, i'd loose everything.

if you can help, then it's really really appriciated :)






  1. Not saying that everyone does this but a lot of times when the older bf goes to college he does something small or big to betray your trust whether it be to makeout with another girl or have intercourse with her. If your relationship can survive something like that (talk it over), you're good.

        But from the way you put it, it sounds like your boyfriend is a very nice guy and would never do something like that. College life isn't at all what it looks like on tv. Trust him, but trust yourself more.

  2. Just keep working at the relationship.       It has no need to fail.

  3. First you can't be self concious he'll get annoied. which i know is hard to do, trust me i'm like the queen of doing it, but think, u have no reason to be think of other girls; considering your past, ya know. speaking from experience just relax. you can't keep dwelling on it because it will drive you crazy! not to metion drive him crazy from hearing it all the time! if something should happen down the road. you'll feel awful for a little while, but that too will pass, not saying he's not "the one" but you are still way young! Just be in the moment.

  4. AWW don't worry lv. if he does find sum1 else then u know it was not ment to be and something even better will come along...but if u really feel like this then tlk to  him. if he says he wants to be with u and no1 else believe him he seem like a really nice guy ...just relax and enjoy it while u can.

    i just finished 2 years at college...and trust me its no different to high school at all!! but u do start to grow up more and you actually work hard and forget about looking at lad/girls...cuz u realize u need an education don't put urself down i bet ur a beaut xxxx

  5. it sounds like you have a good relationship. but don't feel paranoid, this is where the test of trust comes in, i was in a long distance relationship but in  the same situation that you are in, but we just tried to communicate as much as we can and it worked, your love for each other is strong he loves you the way you are and its obvious you love him so why are you worried. he has not shown you a reason to be worried.

  6. its natural to feel like that. but remember it is you that he loves and as long as he loves you he wont have eyes for anyone else.  

  7. I was afraid that this would happen when I went off to college, so I explained it to my then-gf and broke up with her. I realized my mistake within 2 weeks and now she's my fiance 4 years later.

    Yes, that first year was tough as a long distance relationship. Yes, there was a beautiful, s**y, kinky, blonde temptress that I wanted to be with. No, I wasn't willing to sacrifice my relationship with my gf for a short fling.

    It will help if you stay in close contact and see each other frequently. Talk on the phone daily and be prepared to hear a lot of stories about his new friends that you've never met. College is a different world from high school, but remember that it is made out of former high school students. Women don't suddenly become supermodels the moment they step on campus.

    I can't guarantee that it will work out, but you improve your odds if you work hard on the relationship and keep communication working.  

  8. Alot of girls, if they were in this situation, would be thinking the same thing, but it's only natural.

    You've been with him alot of the time, knowing where he is so it's easier to trust him, but since he's going to college, you'll not know what he's doing.

    There's nothing wrong with worrying about it, but you shouldn't have to if you're relationship is as strong as you say it is.

    If you trust him, and always have, then I don't think there's anything to worry about. Just keep in touch with him as much as you can, and let him know you still love him. If he's always been loyal to you, then he shouldn't even think about another girl. He'll do the right thing if it's really meant to be.


  9. 1   you wouldnt lose everything......#2..If he does stray they he wasnt the right person for you in the first place and you are better off......You must have trust between eachother

  10. Young love is difficult and as we go through different stages of life, we do move on and find new friend/partners.  That's not to say your boyfriend will meet someone else - you could be together for ever - but no one knows.

    Ps. It's college, lose, appreciated and he's - hope you learn this before you go to college.

    Good luck

  11. of course its natural to think these things,

    I'm in the same situation right now,

    except I'm the one in college

    something like this could make your relationship much stronger

    as long as you both have a lot of trust in each other

    things should work out,

    just make sure you both still have time to see and talk to each other.

  12. thats really sweet but just have faith in him! if he loves you then he wouldnt look at those other girls! good luck♥

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