
Is it normal for a girl...?

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to miss her period?

the last time i had mine was the 20th of last month.

i've never missed it before.

i usually start on the 28th day




  1. your cycle might have changed

  2. yeah it is, expacially if its your first or second year with it.

  3. yeah it seems to be pretty normal on here.. although  i never thought it was.  A girl can miss her period for a number of reasons,  if you have no fear you may be pregant dont worry about it.. Stress can cause someeons to be late or miss it, or maybe your irregular, which is very common in young girls.  If you have no fear of being pregant  i wouldnt worry about it.  

  4. Yea, Mine was late last month, about a week late... I started stressing wondering if I was preggo or not, but I stopped worrying and it came the next day. Almost anything can cause a delay/skip a period: STRESS, diet change, weight loss/gain, travel, didn't ovulate, etc....

    You will probably get it soon, no worries =)

  5. If you're sexually active I would definitely talk to a doctor.  If not though, your missed period may be due to stress or irregular eating or weight loss.

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