
Is it ok or not????

by  |  earlier

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Is it necessary to answer a question with big big explanation, or enough if we are specific? or to explain simply with an example.....tell me....




  1. Short and sweet.

  2. It depends on the question.

  3. be specific dear, or it irritates the reader..

  4. Be simple, precise, and specific, but answer in complete sentences unless otherwise directed.

  5. it depends on the type of question asked by the person.

  6. making it understandable for the person reading ur answer is what times it happens that u may write long thesis, and still the answer to the question doesnt get answered....and sm times small explanations will add more to the confusion...explaining with an example is a very good technique to answer any question...but again before giving any example there should be a small para that will explain the main crux....

  7. simple is fine..

  8. in my opinion its easier to understand somthing if its explained well simply with a good example.....a big explanation could just confuse someone more lol

  9. be simple and sample

  10. the simplier the better
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