
Is it okay....?

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my son sometimes doesnt want to take a nap in the afternoon. he usually sleeps at night at 9pm.he sleeps 10-14hrs straight. if he wakes up at 8am,he takes a nap in the afternoon but sometimes he wakes up 10.30am. so he cannot or doesnt want to take a nap coz he is not that tired.

is it okay to wake him up in the morning like 7.30 or 8am so he will be able to take a nap in the afternoon?

somebody once told me that its not good to disturb a kid (ages 3 under) while sleeping coz the kid's brain is developing too while sleeping..




  1. no. DONT wake him early. that person who told you not to disturb a child at that age is RIGHT. absolutely correct. It will also make your child cranky and that leads to bad things.

  2. I would wake him up early so that he doesn't get in the habit of sleeping so late.  It will be fine to wake him up and then him take a nap later in the day.  GOD BLESS!

  3. His body knows what it needs and he may be transitioning out of the nap stage. My mom said that I never took one, LOL! Anyway, just let him sleep.

  4. yeah, don't wake him up....

    what you need to do is establish a routine. set a time in the afternoon for his naps.. let's say 2pm... every day at 2 pm you put him in his pyjamas and tell him it's nap time.. then turn all the appliances off (tv etc.) create a quiet atmosphere, lie down with him and read a story... then ask him to try to nap... even if he doesn't, that's fine, just lie down with him and do a very quiet and relaxing activity.. like singing or reading a book, or simply looking at some images together... then hopefully sleep will take over... once he establishes a routine, then no matter what time he wakes up in the morning, he'll take his afternoon nap.... or you can take him for a drive on the appointed time....

    good luck

  5. While, it is good for children to get about 12 hours of undisturbed sleep when they are 2 and under, getting them into a regular schedule is also just as important.  I would try to put him to bed at a regular bedtime, like you seem to be doing, and then getting him up at the same time every morning.  Say 8 or 8:30.  If he wakes up earlier then this on his own then thats OK too.  It is also very good for children to nap during the day.  It helps them in lots of different ways when they have a break during the day to nap and get "refreshed."  Every child is different so you have to do what is best for your and your situation but that would be my personal recommendation.

  6. Don't wake him up early! Let him sleep!
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