
Is it possible?!?!?!?!?

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Is it possible to read a book that has 174 pages and ur only on page 28-29?




  1. What sort of question is that, obviously it is you keep reading the book, duh!

  2. yes

  3. well, if your something like me, if its a good book, you wont stop reading, if it is bad, then you will throw it away. most of the books i read got thrown away

  4. yes get off the computer now and go read

  5. umm yes 0,o

  6. umm... depends on how much time you have and how fast you read, as well as how many breaks you take and how long they are

    just so you know, 174 isn't that much, if you read all day you can get it done in one day

    (and why is this in the "Physics" section???"

  7. yes lol. if you try hard enough you might be able to finish it in a day

  8. Well it depends on how long you have to read the book. If there's no time limit than definitely.  

  9. lol yh

    just read............

  10. yes lol not being mean but why wouldn't it be possable lol?


  11. yup it is...

    just read some of it every day and you should be fine =)

  12. I think you forgot to put when you were supposed to finish it by..

    If its by tomorrow, for sure.

  13. wha... what

  14. I hope your really not a nurse.  

  15. it is sooo possible!!!

    i could read that book like 8 times over and over in 1 day...

    but you may not be as fast of a reader as me.

    174 pages isn't that long, so you could definantly read it. just sit down, get comfortable, maybe have some snacks nearby to munch on as you read, and get to it.

    you'll be done before you know it.

  16. I read a 300 page book last night.  Quit wasting time surfing the internet or watching the olympics, and just buckle down.

  17. yes why couldnt u

  18. .....Um, yeah. Just keep reading on your free time. Of course, it's possible, i dont know how it isnt, but just keep reading and you'll finish it eventually

  19. If you stop asking these retarded question on here and go read it, yes. You have all the time in the world.

  20. yes duhhh

    what kind of question is this

  21. wtf! naah you dont say dumbass!

  22. .... Yeah ....

    answer this please:

  23. lol no

    gee i wonder



  24. Uhm... yes?

  25. This cannot be a serious question, but yes.  

  26. Yeah. I've read a 300 page book in 2.5 hours starting from page 1.

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