
Is it possible that I sleepwalk?

by Guest33217  |  earlier

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Well I never really thought anything about sleepwalking until recently. About 6 months ago I woke up on the ground at the end of my bed with a painful leg cramp in the middle of the night. My mom told me that she heard me scream and found me crying at the end of my bed. The thing is I don't remember getting out of bed or anything except for waking up with that cramp. And since then my parents and I have noticed other weird things too. Like I usually sleep with my door closed and once in a while when I wake up in the morning my door is open and each time my parents have said they hadn't opened my door. And sometimes my parents will tell me that I make a lot of noise when I get up in the middle of the night to go downstairs or to the bathroom. But each of those times I have no recollection of getting up that night. This has only happened about 4 times, but is it possible that I've been sleep walking and what are the ways I can tell if I have been. And if I am, I'm scared I might injury myself or something so how can you stop sleepwalking?




  1. sleepwalking is caused by the lack of sleep as they usually happen in sleep-deprived people so try to get more sleep and get help from your family too. heres a good website.

    but thats for kids

  2. well i no that i sleep walk and you dont no whether you have or not unless some one tells you. but by the sounds of it you do, i dont think there is anything to stop sleepwalkers, just dont wake them!!

  3. yes, it is!

    my sister or my brother


    and talk while sleeping

    but its really normal!

  4. i dont know if you are on ambien or other sleeping pills or narcotics for pain control.aside from those things, you may be sleepwalking and sounds like you are to me.  i myself sleepwalk. i tend to do it more often when i go to bed upset/it can be dangerous and you can hurt yourself,usually you do not.

  5. Take a video camera and record yourself.

  6. i have had some reall gross experiences with sleep walking i.e thinking i was in the bathroom when i really wasnt lololol.. tie a bell to your finger so someone else will wake up and watch you, or so you'll wake up. hope that helps?

  7. lol i have the same problem too!

    i am a major sleepwalker, my mum said she saw me eating in my sleep before, and i can unlock doors in my sleep too so yeh i was really worried abt that too... but i looked up this site:

    and it had these tips

    How to Stop Sleepwalking

    If you (or your partner or child) sleepwalk, here are some steps to take:

        * Start by focusing on your sleep habits and creating a routine for going to bed and getting up at about the same time each day.

        * Make sure to have a "power-down hour" before hitting the pillow. Find ways to unwind from the day. Try a warm bath and light reading.

        * Create a safe environment, especially for sleepwalking children. Remove sharp objects, lock doors and windows, and install gates on stairways.

        * A door alarm can often be helpful.

        * Ask your doctor about other options if the problem persists.

    Hope I was helpful!

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