
Is it possible to NOT think?

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My boyfriend and I got into a heated discussion about being able to completely rid your mind of all thoughts.

His argument was that you have to at least think about not thinking. That it is utterly impossible not to think.




  1. It's impossible to not think.

    I've tried haha.

    Even when you're sleeping,

    your subconscious mind is still at work cranking out thoughts, and nostalgia from your day.



  2. You are right.

    But it is very hard to do.  The exercise is to abandon the mind altogether.  This can only be done with nonverbal awareness.  This state of awareness does occur in rare moments on its own when we are, for example, in moments of danger or in a very new and perhaps unusual situation.

    It is being aware of the mind.  If this state becomes intense enough the mind can become silent. At first it is a very odd state that does not produce thoughts on its own.  

  3. Hmm, I think it's impossible not to think.;...

  4. for some monks, i think it's possible.

    otherwise, no.

    so if he was arguing no, how did you argue that it IS possible?

  5. Paris Hilton has made a career from it.

  6. Apparently, a lot of people are experimenting with this - from stupid criminals to flip-flopping political candidates, it makes you wonder if they have practiced it too much.  Even with a brain, if you abuse it, you lose it?

  7. Your bf is right.

  8. Yes dear,it is possible, but with tremendous practice of meditation.

  9. I don't know.  I have a few realatives that seem to "zone out" all the time.

  10. we constantly think.

    all the time.

    even as babies we thought.

    even during sleep we think.

    so no,you cant not think.

    thinking exercises our brains.

  11. the only time you do not think is when you are in deep sleep

  12. If you could NOT think, you must be Buddha.

  13. no i dont believe sb cant  think there is always sth up there  ,but the mind only thinks a little or thik too much that is it but stop i dont think soo

  14. When one turns mad, he stops thinking and all other think.

  15. I agree with your boyfriend.  In order to know that you aren't thinking, you must give some thought to what is going on in your mind.

    When Buddhists meditate, they try to clear their minds of thought.  However, to do so, they must concentrate their minds on one thing.  The best they can do is limit their thought process to that one thing, but it's still thinking.

  16. actually it's possible. at first it is very hard and you can do it just for a few seconds but you can practice and you'll be able not-to-think more. yoga is based on meditation and the indian meditation means not to think.

    you could google OSHO. he said that you find enlightment and the ultimate hapiness through this kind of meditation.

  17. Of course it's impossible not to think. I mean, THINK about it...When you try not to think about anything, you think about you not thinking about anything. Does that make sense, because I just got myself confused...

  18. it is maybe posible not to think sometimes my mind just blaks out and im just sitting there lol, that rarly happens, usually wen i havnt slept.

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