
Is it pronounced Porsh or Porsher?

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Hi, my Dad and Grandad own and run a Porsche dealership, and they say "Porsh" yet on Top Gear they pronounce it "Porsha", is there an official pronunciation?




  1. The actual way of pronouncing it is 'PORSHUH'   It is the last name of the designer.

  2. The family of Ferdinand Porsche, for whom the car is named, pronounces it  "Porsh EH."   Since it is their name, they should know.  They are actually Czech, not German, even though it is a German company.

    EDIT:  Thumbs down????

  3. porsh

  4. As above buddy  ;-)

  5. My family and most people I know say porsh but on FRIENDS they make a point about saying porsha so i think that mgiht be the proper way ...

  6. POSRH-German pronunciation(European)

    PORSHEY-American pronunciation

  7. It is two Syllables. It is also a women's name. I read a story recently about a women that was employed by the Factory that came to the US Dealer Training Sessions in the late 60's or early 70's. Her sole job was to teach dealer employee's to pronounce the Marque name. It is and always has been two syllables "POR-SCHahhh".

    The family is Austrian. The founder moved to Germany.

  8. Por-Sha

    It is a German car. It is pronounced Por-Sha.

    Every car person or Porsche fan knows this.

    It even says the pronunciation of Porsche in the dictionary or encyclopedia.

    America is the only place where it is always pronounced Porsh because Americans do not know.

  9. It's pronounced Porsche

  10. In all of the Porche commercials, they say "porsha".  I think the makers would probably say it correctly, so it's "Porsha".

  11. It is a German family name, and is pronounced as follows:


    Greater emphasis on the initial "PORSH", lesser emphases on the "-uh".

    If it was NOT a family name, then it would be pronounced "PORSH".

    So although both pronunciations are technically correct, it is a family name, so the family name pronunciation is the one that should be used.

  12. Technically, Porsche is a German proper name.

    It ends in an E, which gives the pronunciation of 'A' or better 'ER'.

    German 'bitte' (please) and 'bitter' (bitter) sound for comparison:

    And for a recording including the correct pronunciation by a German speaker:

    (Porsche is the fourth word in, the fifth is Deutsche Bank for clarification)

    [Brand names as they sound in German:

    Adidas, Bayer, Braun, Porsche, Deutsche Bank, Lufthansa, Volkswagen

    People and things:

    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Dr. Seuss, Loess, Neanderthal, Gerhard Schröder, Steffi Graf, Sigmund Freud, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Henry Kissinger, Jörg Haider]


    Volkswagen in German is pronounced 'FolksVagen', so it is of little surprise that Porsche also generates confusion.

    Like Gucci, the Italian proper name, is 'Guchi' not 'Gukki' or 'Gusci'

    The rules of each language have strict pronunciation rules.

    For the doubtful, ask Homer Simpson if he orders a 'piTza' or a 'piZa'. (pizza)

    Italian has strict rules on double letters, which is uncommon in the American version of English.

    German has some unusual rules which result in the 'I before E except after C' rule in English, which is derived from French and German.

    In French an ending E 'disappears' most of the time, unless there is an accent applied to it. Hence the confusion.

    The ends of English words tend to have definite [and also silence the last E] sounds.

    English is more used to silent letters e.g. knight ('nite'), gnaw ('nor'), Chomondley ('chumley'), Mainwaring ('mannering').

  13. PORCH

    peopel who want to be "different" and "blonde" say prorcher.

  14. It can be pronounced as either Porsche or Porsche. No but seriously, people say Porsh and Joey from Friends says Porsha

  15. I say it "Porsh." I heard a German guy pronouce it "Porsh", so I figure that has to be the right one.

  16. It is pronounced porsche

  17. Porsha

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