
Is it real? Ancient Astronauts?

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The evidence for and against the belief that earth was visited by aliens thousands of year ago and we owe our existence to them.




  1. i'm not sure what ot make of it anymore.... here watch this...

    this is exactly on this subject.... some of the **** is pretty startling...

    the thing that stands out the most, is you can look in any ancient culture and find mutliple forms of 'evidence' to aliens visiting ancient man.... and most of it is well before man started sailing the oceans to far away continents (how did this information spread if it was one lie that just spread? if it's not just from one source, how did they all come to stunningly accurate 'coincedences' like they did? it's just TOO MUCH of a coincedence for me...)

    now go ahead and thumb me down for believing there's more to our world and the universe, then we see everyday...

    btw i guarentee most everyone who says 'there's no evidence' has only heard the wide reaching stories, such as building the pyramids would be impossible so they must've had alien help... or some of the other ancient buildings thare 'humanly impossible' and must've had help... or geoglyphs [made by the nazcanes] are evidence because they can only be seen from the sky and ancient man couldn't fly so it must've been for alien visitors'.... and so on.

    in reality, there is far more evidence then that... there are art works, descriptions and countless ammounts of them at that.... and given any of these things viewed individually, would just seem to point towards ancient man not 'knowing as much as we do' so these 'ridiculous and peposterous ideas' are just discarded.... but when you look at the whole picture, a picture really does form... and it GREATLY points to ancient man being visited by aliens... watch the documentary for yourself....

    one question tho.. if ancient man really was so primitive, how did say, the mayans invent a calander that is even more accurate then the one we use today? that's just one example.... ONE....

    modern man likes to think we lost our 'primitive-ness' when we invented machines and computers and electricity... but none of those things take it away.... to lose one's primitive-ness one must understand the world and universe around him.... not knowing about the things around you is what makes you primitive, it's NOT the lack of technology.

  2. Just to irritate the atheists.

    Every culture has it's own creation mythology involving super powerful beings. Many include stories of a great flood, punishment of the gods, angels, demons and various monsters such as giants, dragons etc. All these beliefs share common themes, and they developed independently. Now why is it that some individuals eagerly embrace the idea (with the flimsy 'proof' available) that this is proof of alien visitations, while at the same time accusing those who profess a belief in God as misguided, ignorant and delusional?

  3. the only thing that would remotely suggest that is arguments from ignorance such as "we don't know how they could have built this or why, therefore it must be aliens" and even that is illogical because you not knowing doesn't in any way make the conclusion of aliens any more valid.

  4. There's no evidence for it.

    One of the proponents of this idea claimed that they helped the Egyptians build the pyramids.  The pyramids weren't that hard to build.  People back then were about as smart as we are, they just didn't have all the technology.  Egyptian engineers certainly could figure out how to make them.

  5. It is a plausible idea to me. That means I can't see any strong evidence against it. I am talking about visits long before civilization started, not visits to ancient civilizations. But I don't see any evidence for it either.

  6. No no no no no no no! That was introduced by some wacky "scientist" that gives all atheists a bad name. He was being interviewed in the movie "Expelled" and Ben Stein asked him where he thought life first came from. Instead of using the right answer and use the proven science of evolution, he muttered this nonsense.  Saying "God" put life on Earth is a better answer. It is a load of total and complete *c**p*. My dog could come up with a better idea! Its a load of utter nonsense. Evolution is the correct answer. Life stems from water, and we know how water was created on Earth. So no, it is an absurd theory.

  7. "one question tho.. if ancient man really was so primitive, how did say, the mayans invent a calander that is even more accurate then the one we use today?"

    They didn't.  They didn't even have the correct length of the year.  They used 365 days instead of 365.25xxxxxx

    Think about it.  If their calender was more advanced than ours, wouldn't we just use theirs?

    When people say things like this, it really makes me wonder how easy it must be to convince them of something.  I guess fairly easy if they believe in ancient astronauts.

    No, stories from different cultures DO NOT constitute good evidence.  Cultures from all over the world have legends of dragons.  Do you believe in dragons too?

    The pyramids?  Please.  I think the egyptians were quite capable of stacking rocks.  Yes, they're a pretty impressive engineering feat, but you're not giving them enough credit.  They were just as smart then as we are now.  We have a bigger knowledge base to draw from, but the core intelligence and creativity is the same.

    I don't know how someone can propose that "Earth was once inhabited by advanced human races...going back at least 300,000 years ago" without being laughed out of the room.  Where's the archaeological evidence?  Where are they in the fossil record?  Are you seriously suggesting that "every time a Great year in the Zodiac cycle is up" some cosmic janitor comes to earth and removes the evidence of advanced humanoid ancestors and their civilization, while leaving all other biological and geological records intact?  Seriously?  Homo sapiens were only barely beginning to begin their time on earth around 250,000 years ago.  Human evolution is one of the most well documented lineages in evolutionary biology, and humans at that time were just mastering stone tools and hunter-gathering.  It's ludicrous.

    "Now why is it that some individuals eagerly embrace the idea (with the flimsy 'proof' available) that this is proof of alien visitations, while at the same time accusing those who profess a belief in God as misguided, ignorant and delusional?"

    No no, these ancient astronaut believers are just as delusional as the religious.  In fact, I asked a question on here once before asking if anyone else had noticed the similarities between the religious and the new-age fringe beliefs.  I think the best way to understand these beliefs is in the context that it's a modern day religion.

    "That was introduced by some wacky "scientist" that gives all atheists a bad name. He was being interviewed in the movie "Expelled" and Ben Stein asked him where he thought life first came from. Instead of using the right answer and use the proven science of evolution, he muttered this nonsense. Saying "God" put life on Earth is a better answer. It is a load of total and complete *c**p*."

    Also not right.  The scientist you're talking about is Richard Dawkins.  He is wholly an evolutionist and thinks the idea that aliens seeded life on earth is silly.  However, Ben Stein asked him a question that went something like 'IF life on earth turned out to be seeded from the outside, do you think it was more likely to have been by aliens or god' and Dawkins responded by saying that, if he had to choose, he thought aliens were more likely.  Ben Stein then edited the interview to make it appear that Dawkins supported the idea.  It was just Ben Stein being a douchebag.  You would think that lying and twisting the truth in the name of Jesus is a sin regardless, but apparently he doesn't feel that way.

  8. If such a thing happened today, then it would be recorded in our art, our culture, and probably our religious beliefs.

    By looking back at other ancient civilisations we come across Austrailian cave art, and Japanese Dogu figures - which are completely non-human. The japanese talk of dragons rising from the sea in their culture, and other culture speaks of angels on charriots of fire or men that fly. These again would be completely fictitious if it were not for recent scientific discoveries into electrostatic propulsion systems, or obtaining energy for those systems from water.

    There is again evidence on earth of something rather nasty happening 8000 years ago - patches of intense heat -over 1100 degrees centigrade - enough to melt rock and incinerate cities - leaving skeletons as mere powder - literally turned into a pillar of salt. But also with 50x the natural background radiation count.

    Research on vitrified forts and buildings if you want to. Or the radioactive town in India.  This would imply nuclear weapons technology used on earth - but who was using it ? Even Indian texts speak of it.

    The evidence is there if you look for it.

  9. There is alot of information out there from multiple sources suggesting that the Earth was once inhabited by advanced human races...going back at least 300,000 years ago.

    The truth is that every time a Great year in the Zodiac cycle is up, the Earth is cleansed and all records of civilization are destroyed. Very little traces that are most obvious or are they?

    Most of today's scientists are avoiding the fringe topic in light of their reputations.

    The pyramids in Egypt are not mere structures. They are cosmic time pieces, with great precision. Describing a multitude of things earth bound and cosmic wise. It wasn't just a simple affair of contruction.

    Whoever built these pyramids new nature inside and out, and their science involved with nature was much more advanced as well.

    I don't know if we owe our existence to them, but we certainly have been influenced by them...since the structures are here on this world, people have studied them and come to terms with the actual secrets they hold. That is altering for any of us.

    If you wonder if we were created by 'them', well that holds many avenues of thought. I can say it is VERY possible we were seeded here. We are a young race. This universe is old.

    I have seen their ships in the night sky and daytime, so suffice to say, we are not alone. Hey why not? Evolved human beings from a long time ago, in a different world and solar system....which has beomce today what we know.

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