
Is it really ok to ?

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is it really ok to smoke pot if you have your priorities in order such as making good grades, and staying out of trouble




  1. all i have to say is that it is a personal choice, just like anything else we do.  and as with every other personal choice in life, it has its' consequences as well.

  2. ummm pot isn't good

    it's illegal...well where i am it is...idk about where you are

  3. sure why not

  4. it kills brain cells

    but its not that bad.

  5. It is currently illegal so therefore wrong at least in the eyes of the government.

    Also Please take into consideration others that you might be hurting other then yourself. Your kid brother or sister. Your friends who might not have everything together and can't  keep it together with drugs.

    Where is the money going that you are spending? Probably ends up in the hands of people who hate America and in general are not people to associate with.  So for 3 reasons 1 - morally wrong  2. Could be hurtfull to those you love. 3. Not good citizenship.

  6. ya totally

    pot's taboo but it doesn't mean it's evil

    i mean theres kids who r clean and failing every one of their classes

  7. not at all   if you are trying drugs your prioritys are not in order, no matter how good your grades are, because you can find something better to do with your time.

  8. You'll have to study the matter and decide whose arguments and evidences are best. I would not advise taking pot, but it's your life, and there are far more troubling things you could do.

  9. No, it rots your brain.

  10. it your choice

  11. That's a tough call. Do you think you can be even better and achieve more without the pot?

    Much the same as drinking, it effects individuals differently. Some people lose their edge when they drink or smoke pot, others develop serious problems with it, others enjoy it on the weekends and it seems to do them no harm.

    The younger you are the more that I would advise against it. The brain keeps growing and developing until age 20-22. The mind seems to do best without the influence of drugs and alcohol. Also unfortunately it harder to stay out of trouble when smoking pot is illegal and the people who you buy it from are just a bit dodgy if not outright criminals.

    Think about it, I'm sure you'll see what I mean.

  12. Yes, as long as you realize the damage you're doing to your insides.  But yes, make those good grades and stay out of trouble so that one day while you're still young and your life is great you can get lung cancer and die when you get a bit older.

    That's harsh.  I'm sorry.  I left out throat cancer and rotting teeth.

  13. Naw. It messes up your brain...especially if you're younger. Don't do it if you don't have to.

  14. yes.

  15. I guess so, but when you're high it's kinda difficult to balance things out. You can't even think straight, how much more if you're attempting to get good grades.

    And drugs have a tendency to make themselves one of your top priorities, and they cancel out a lot of the good things in life.

    So don't try at all if you know what's best for you.

  16. i smoke pot everyday and i am in college and have a 4.0 gpa

  17. im not being funny but alot of my mates started to smoke pot when they were younger thinkin it was harmless fun but now there at it every weekend and even bunkin off school to go do it.. it has cost them their grades at the end of this year as they have become less and less interested and started hanging about with new people..

    if i was you i would quit or just not do it at all because its not worth it and you dont need to do it do you... i hope i've tried and helped you...x

  18. why would you smoke it in the first place it can give you cancer and i make you look uneducated

  19. no

  20. Yes, and it is an occasional thing, not everyday.

  21. i don't see why not

  22. better not to.  why bother.

  23. Considering that it's against the law - I would say no. but then again - you only live once right  Go for it.

  24. no its not

    you wont get anywhere in life if you keep smoking because in the end it will bring you down

  25. Yes it is ok to smoke pot if you have your priorities in order.  Just make sure you don't carry it around and you know you can stop when you want to especially since there are no "physical addiction" only a mental one.  Make sure you do take the full 3 months before taking a job that does the p**s / blood test for marijuana... because many of those urban myths in which you can remove it from your system with those detox drinks = BS.

  26. I don't think there is anything wrong with pot. Just like with everything else, if you don't let it run your life and still have time for the important things, smoke away!

  27. I am going to assume that you are in a country where it is illegal to smoke marijuana. There are two sides to this. "Pot", smoked every once in a while (or even every day as some studies have shown) will not cause any health problems. If you are able to handle it and not let it interfere with the rest of your life, it's not a big problem. On the other hand, it is a illegal drug. Key word illegal. Even if you don't see why it is illegal or think thats wrong, the law is the law. Laws are there to protect the people, because frankly most of the time people do not know whats best for them. Who can say if one drug dealer shot and killed another person somewhere down the line to get you that bag? My advice is to leave it alone.

  28. Although its your choice its probably better to stay away from such 'soft' drugs - you don't know what circumstances might make you become dependant upon it as such things seem to have a creeping effect without you realising it.

    Also smoking pot can have long term consequences that may not be evident now but will be detrimental to you in later life (e.g you may well develop schizophrenia or extreme paranoia etc) - Some research has shown there is a link - why risk it ????? Continue with your life in order and intact but find other things and pastimes that will bring you joy!

  29. Some people are going to say its okay, some are not. It is your own personal choice, you are going to do it regardless if someone thinks its okay or not.
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