
Is it right to eat meat?

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I've been a vegearian since the age of 9 even though no member of my family shared my belief: Animals dont deserve to die because of humans. In fact I think it's pure evil to eat meat.

What do you think?




  1. The majority of the population are carnivores.

    It's a way of life and also a choice of palate.

    If there was a law for the whole world to turn veggie, I'd love to watch the whole process on tape as it would be hilarious entertainment.

  2. Well considering humans are omnivores, I guess we are techinically meant to eat meat, but that doesn't mean we have to.  Besides, the animals humans do eat are being kept locked up and force fed.  That's not natural.   I've been a vegetarian for a year and half now and I am very passionate about animal rights.  I decided to stop eating meat because everytime I had it, I felt extremely guilty.  I have never had one craving for meat since and now everytime I look at it, I feel physically sick.  In the end though, it's all down to personal beliefs.  I think if people want to eat meat, they either have their own livestock or buy it from a local farm where animals are treated well.

  3. I completely agree with you! You and me and every other vegan/vegetarian are an inspiration to all others that aren't aloud to be vegan/vegetarian! HIGH 5 to that! The only other person in my family that is vegetarian is my cosine, animals should not be killed!! <3 x

  4. It's all about the food chain.

    People eat meat - get over it.

    Have you ever seen or heard of a vegetarian Lion ?!?!?

    Pure Evil is Myra Hindley, Fred West, The Columbine Killers etc etc etc not Steak and Chips.

    Had to edit after reading the Venison comment - Oh my dear that is funny - your joking of course ?!?!?

    Venison is gorgeous, my favourite.

  5. food for thought ayy :P

    perhaps yes but i havent actually ever thought about the fact that what i am eating was once a living and breathing organism

    to me it just is meat, food, something that tastes really really good

    mayhaps it is wrong to eat meat but i think as long as you remember that the meat you eat was once living, respect it and be thankful for it, then you probably could eat it plus its healthy

  6. Even though I don't eat meat, I don't think meat eating is ''evil''.

    To decribe eating meat as ''evil'' is a little extreme! I don't have a problem with meat eaters. Many friends and family members eat meat. Do I think they are ''evil''? No! We all have choices.

    Unless they are trying to stuff a cheeseburger down my throat, I don't have an issue with any meat eater.

    What sort of a question is this?

  7. Course it's not evil!! It's fine for people to eat meat, and it's fine for people who doesn't.....

    if it's evil then you shouldn't eat vegetable n stuff, they are living things too......

    Everyone's gotta eat to survive, so get over yaself!

  8. I kind of agree with you and I my self  em a off and on vegetarian, I read about these people who lived on a island and were mainly vegetarian but once a year they would enjoy a BBQ and they lived to be 150 years old playing valley ball, so even though it makes me sick I eat it only after working out or every once and a while, but never from fast food restaurants, miki d'es, kfc, ect,,,I enjoy in n out burger once in a while, I ask for a well done burger, no special sauce and extra onions and tomatoes so yeah I know was up ahaaahah I wouldn't condemn people for eating meat though, but I also wish I had friends who could BBQ/ cook food w/o meat in it, I wish we lived in a perfect world, where all we eat was manna and pecan pie joke lol and fish with honey lol haahah God bless' man : )

  9. If cannibalism is considered murder why isn't it the same when comes to people who eat meat? Animals have brains that are capable of thought and they have hearts that have the ability to love, just as we do.

    And just like we do, they can feel pain!

    It's not that I hate people who eat meat because thats their choice. It just makes me angry that the meat industry uses such cruel and inhuman methods when it comes to killing these poor defenseless creatures!

  10. I don't eat meat. But I don't generalize and call omnivores who eat meat "pure evil". Don't forget the friends and family members that you love are omni's... do you consider them "pure evil". I highly doubt that. Just because some one doesn't share your moral beliefs, that doesn't mean they are evil.

  11. Is eating meat evil? Of course not. Just took at all the carnivores of the world. There are nutrients in meat that we as human simply cannot live without.

    Is the mass breeding of these animals (i.e. cows,chickens,etc) evil? Yes. it would be an entirely different scenario if humans just hunted for the wild animals. But instead, we shove them into 7' x7' cells and feed them growth hormones until them explode! That's what's inhumane.

  12. Eating meat is wrong, unhealthy and.. just gross.

    I casually went from meat eater, to vegetarian to vegan within the course of 7 months, and I would NEVER turn back.

    And for the people commenting to this question, it's so selfish to say that animals were born to be killed for food.

    Face it. Fruits and Vegetables are really the only SAFE way of getting all the nutrients your body needs. Do some research, people.

  13. the majority of animals that are eaten or used for skin, milk,etc would no longer exist if farmers did not breed them on their land. when was the last time you saw cattle, sheep, pigs running free across the Savannah and who would pay for their medical needs, food etc. i would slaughter the animals myself if needed as long as it was done properly and enjoy eating meat immensely, i am not interested in existing on nuts and berries but have no problem with those who wish to do so. i just wish they would bore off with their holier than thou attitude.

  14. If we aren't meant to eat animals, why are they made of meat?

    I love meat, I love a big fat juicy steak. I think there may be a moral argument against eating meat if the animal was killed a barbaric way or spent the majority of it's life in factory like conditions, but, I wouldn't say it is evil. After all, humans are another type of animal (homo saipen) and animals kill other animals to eat, for example, lions kill zebra. It is perfectly natural and normal in my opinion for humans to eat meat.

  15. I think it's natural to eat meat; it's not natural to be cruel to animals for no reason though.  I am against animal cruelty of any sort, and that is why, though I eat meat, I choose it from organic suppliers, as the meat you buy in the supermarket is from animals who have been bred in an unhappy unnatural environment.  And aside from the major moral issues, it also tastes better if the animal has lead a contented life!  Everyone is free to make their own choices on whether or not they eat meat, but if you do eat meat, shop smart.

  16. you may think its pure evil...but without that evil you wouldnt be alive as man would have died in in the ice age through lack of food.

    there is nothing wrong with eating meat itself...while the factory farms are really cruel..eating meat say caught in the wild is no different than a lion catching its prey...infact shooting an animal dead for meat is far less cruel than lions ripping it apart

    please try to show more respect, while you may not agree with meat, do you really believe your gonna make many friends with that attitude

    EDIT after all we are omnivores...meaning plant and animals matter...if we truely didnt need meat we would be herbivorous...dont you agree

  17. In response to many people's comments here...

    Animals eat meat - they do it to survive, because their diet requires it and it's instinctual. We do not need it.

    Evolution - We do not require meat consumption to evolve. It may have been convenient or necessary back then but now the human race is more sustainable on a vegetarian diet.

    Animal Overpopulation - nature controls these things. Most cases of overpopulation are caused by human actions. Most of the world's mammals and birds are bred by humans for food.

    God's Gift - This is disputable. Also you can't prove God exists. Also if you showed compassion towards his creations I think God would respect you more.

    Vegetarian IQ - Various studies have shown that although the vegetarian diet does not necessarily make you smarter, vegetarians do have a higher average IQ (UK). Also children with a higher IQ are more likely to become vegetarian. There is also a much higher ratio of vegetarians to meat-eaters in Mensa (that genius group) in comparison to total vegetarians to meat-eaters (US).

    Health - Virtually no one needs meat for any reason especially not for protein.

    Choice - you can choose to eat meat just as you can choose to take advantage of someone, or lie, or cheat. None of these things are illegal but they do harm someone.

    Evil? - I don't believe meat-eaters are evil. The act in a greater sense may be evil. People are just either ignorant or selfish.

    So most people in the west eat meat (95% or so). That doesn't mean it's right. Like when the Germans killed 8 million Jews or the Japanese raped and killed all those women in Nanking or when the Americans push their military weight around and kill hundreds of thousands of innocents over the last 60 years People just believe what they're told and go with the flow and get angry when someone proves they're wrong.

  18. meat is what we as humans have eaten since the start of our existance-think of the cave people,thousands of years ago,they didnt eat vegtables-all they ate,day in and day out was meat,for their whole lives,and they evolved into the people we know today.

    i am not at all against vegetarians,my sister is exactly the same as you,but i use the same arguement against her,its fine what diet you have chosen aslong as you eat healthily,but dont make the people who do eat meat feel bad about it.

    (you might not but i definatly know my sister does!)

  19. this is a difficult question because you're going to have answers from users with varying backgrounds, socioeconomic status, etc.  

    no one is ever going to agree on whether or not we should all eat meat.  for some the eating of meat (or lack of it) is even of religious significance.  

    i think we all need to decide as individuals what our morals and values agree with and move forward from there.  personally, i agree with you in that i don't believe it is right for the life to be taken from a thinking, breathing, feeling organism so that i can consume it and live.  there are plenty of other things that can give the nutrients found in simply IS NOT necessary to live.  that is what i've discovered for my situation, but others may view the consumption of animals differently.  there isn't a black and white answer on this one.........

  20. Its life. However...i eat poultry, beef, bacon and pork. But i WILL NOT eat venison.

    Deer are beautiful creatures, and shooting them for food is wrong.

    With pigs and poultry and stuff...people make a living.

    With venision...most people just enjoy to shoot.

  21. It evil and cruel the way factory farmed animals are treated, and some of the free-range don't fair any better.

    I don't believe any animal should suffer and die so I can eat meat.  You are suggesting that all meat eaters are evil, which is wrong.

    I am giving you the wooden spoon award for this question!

    You are stirring up matters between veg*ns and meat eaters IMO.

  22. Lions eat meat and they arnt evil.

    I can understand your reasoning that to breed animals specifically to eat can seam a bit strange. The mamals that we eat - cows, sheep.....are very well looked after while they are alive and killed quickly and painlessly so there isnt any cruelty involved there. The only grey area is with chicken farming (which, perversly is the meat that semi-vegetarians choose to still eat), and conditions through public pressure are impoving all the time. Even chickens are killed humanly.

    So it being pure evil to eat meat? I think not. Pure evil could be considered to be inconsiderate pet owners for example who let their animals suffer, or people involved in dog fighting.

  23. I couldn't disagree more.  God gave us both plants and animals to use for food and other resources.  

    Keep eating vegetables.  You have no idea what you are missing, but it just leaves more for the rest of us!  Pass the steak, please!

    Edit to the girl who doesn't eat venison.  My husband kills his limit each season legally--this thins the herd and keeps them from getting weak and diseased competing for the food in the forest, and processing the meat ourselves or locally, we are more assured of the way it is prepared than if we bought it in the store. It's probably the most humane meat-eating we do, other than fishing!  Too many deer in an area, and they just end up running out in the road getting hit by cars or dying from malnutrition.

    Deer chili tastes great!

  24. Obviously you have never been hungry.

    I was brought up in the countryside, we ate everything and anything, if humans were not meant to eat meat then they wouldn't be equipped with meat eaters teeth [Canines and incisors].

  25. Mankind has been eating animals for tens of thousands of years. Its part of our history and our nature. Without humans eating animals, there would be such an over population  of animals it would be ridiculous. I do however respect the views of vegetarians as long as they dont push their views on me. Circle of life.

  26. You posted this in the v&v section which leads me to beleive  yiu are not really asking a question but seeking a validation of your own personal beliefs.

    Try posting this on the general food and drink section and you will get a truer picture of what people think about what you've just said. The answers will be more unbiased. You will also see  that there are more meat eaters in that section, greatly outnumbering vegetarians which is the true demographic picture in the real world.

  27. im a vegetarian have been since i was born never even tried meat! =] and proud of it!! i think eating meat is wrong , it doesnt make you healthier eaither and you can get food poisioning and lots of decises from meat! i think good on you for sticking with it even if your family dont agree =] x

  28. it's your choice on what you want to believe. but think about it this way. if you don't eat meat what happens to all the meat that isn't eaten. it get's tossed out and put to waste and that animals life was totally watsed. in addition without having that source of food, think don't you believe there would be too much animals and not enough food for them. its the circle of life. but i do understand the animal part. i was a vegetarian til i got really sick and lacked protein but even still today i hardly eat meat. hope this helped you. good luck

  29. Some people think that animals are lower in the food chain than humans and therefore it is natural for us to eat them, on the other hand we do have a choice.

    I don't think words like 'evil' are helpful.  It is obviously right for some and wrong for others.  Why not leave it at that?

  30. Considering whether it's right or wrong can be very subjective.  If you look at the makeup of humans, we don't have canine teeth.  We were never meant to eat meat, although I do.  The proper diet for humans should consist of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and water.  When we eat processed food, whether it has meat in it or not, we aren't eating very healthy.

  31. I am a vegetarian but I think it is a matter of personal principles.  I wouldn't name call anyone who chooses to eat meat, just as I don't expect them to insult me for choosing not to.

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