
Is it rude?

by  |  earlier

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that I refuse to kiss my husband when I'm wearing lipgloss or lipstick??? he gets mad sometimes because I turn my head or back away




  1. Is he possessive or a jealous person?

    I can't understand why that would make him mad unless he is one of those guys who you always have to prove something to.

  2. If you have a husband nice enough to try to kiss you and you turn your head, I sure hope he understands why. That is huge vanity. You can reapply your gloss or lipstick.

  3. well why wouldnt u kiss him just cuz u have lipgloss? if anything he should be the one not wanting to. but ur the one who doesnt.

    uh yes rude cuz his your husband and u rather have make up on ur lips then ur husband.

  4. As long as he doesn't mind getting messed up, who cares.  You can always reapply.

  5. I don't know if you are being rude, but you definitely are not being loving and affectionate. Kiss your husband before someone else does. You can always re-do your lips.

  6. i dont think it is...hes ur HUSBAND and lik the first person said unless he doesnt mind getting comsmetics on him...and if u dont want to, say if he gets it on ull take 5million pics and put them online or something lik tht....i would do tht but idk and just be lik hahajk

  7. sounds a little too prissy...or is he trying in antagonize you?

    rain man

  8. YES! there are some women out there that doesn't have a husband/boyfriend to kiss. Be thankful for an affectionate husband and just reapply. doesn't take but a few secs!

  9. Why are you wearing lipstick or lipgloss?

    Don't you want to look your best for him as well as for yourself?

    KISS HIM.... you can alway re-apply but you can't take the rejection feeling from him when you refuse his advancements.

    Kiss him..

    Love him and be glad you have a husband that still wants to kiss you..

    Do not be one of those wives that no man wants to have. Be the wife who always loves her man as long as he treats you well.

    Kiss and re-apply  hopefully many times
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