
Is it rude to do this...?

by  |  earlier

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Yawn and make sounds when you yawn

does anyone else find this annoying?

whenever I hear someone making sounds when they yawn it really annoys me. people don't need to make sounds when they yawn.

what's also annoying is when someone tries to talk while yawning. you can't understand them so why do they try talking anyway.




  1. Haha, I'm guilty of this, but I do it only amongst friends and family.

    I think the reason that people try to talk is because its human nature to try and keep going regardless of an obstruction.

  2. l have done this...but only in the company of my family.l would certainly make a conscious effort if l was in mixed company...not to do this.

  3. I don't make noises when I yawn, ever, but if I'm with close friends or family I'll talk through a yawn. People often understand what I say and I understand what they say when they yawn, so it doesn't bother me.

    I just hate when they don't bother to cover their mouth.

  4. I too find this annoying, especially at work, someone I share an office makes a noise every time she yawns and I feel that she does it deliberately.

  5. ugh! my roommate does this and it drives me up the wall!! very rude!

  6. I find it a bit disturbing when they're yawning while they should be interviewing me or asking questions. I am however considerate of them and maybe they just didn't get enough sleep? I don't let it bother me too much. Or at least I try. When one of my teachers or counselor did it while they were suppose to be asking me questions, it bothered me. But I was more hurt then annoyed. I guess I was thinking that maybe they thought this was boring. But then I remembered that they had to do this with a lot of other students and it can't be that much fun after having to ask the same questions a bunch of times, or go over the same things a bunch of times.

    As for the talking while yawning thing... well... I just try as best as I can to understand them. It doesn't annoy me that much.

  7. next time your with this person, yawn SO LOUD and LONG that he'll be like "what the f**k?" and you just say MY BAD!!

  8. Yes. It is annoying and rude to make sounds when you yawn, especially in public. It is also quite disgusting to see people not covering their mouths with their hand when they yawn so that you can see all the way back to their tonsils.  

  9. Sometimes one makes sounds when they yawn, no I am not annoyed by this is they are unable to help it.

    What does annoy me are individuals who blow their nose at the table, suck buggers down their throats instead of blowing their nose

    People who eat like a starved animal chewing with their mouth open and talking...

    Things that are avoidable with simple basic table manners.  

  10. Nope I don't think so.

    People yawn and I don't see where's the point you should get annoyed about this. To me they are just kinda tired and that's all. Also, if you yawn, people would think it's normal and they won't get irritated about you, right? So why should you get irritated about them for yawning?

  11. its rude to do it wehen someone is talking to you

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