
Is it safe to eat....?

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I am going boar hunting this saturday in the everglades of florida and was wondering is it safe to eat the meat from the boar some people say it is not while some people say it is, what do you think?


Good Ol' Florida Swamp Boy




  1. After you get one check it over good for parisites. I usually pitch them if they have oozing wounds are tumors. But if you can cook it before the meat spoils in the heat it should be alright. Cook it thoroughly. well done is better than getting the runs.

  2. Like any wild game animal, the only answer is maybe. When properly cooked wild game is safe to eat since the human race has been doing it for millenia.  Boar needs to be cooked like any pork, cooked completely.  I hope you enjoy it. Personally old boar hog or bear is not one of my favorite meats.  Young, fed in a apple orchard or with lots of corn is great.  Old bear fed on salmon I find unpalatable.  Hope you have a successful hunt and enjoy the feast.

  3. If it's not safe I would be dead by now

    I was raised in Florida and firmly believe that God put pigs here just for me to eat and I have the 460 cholesterol count to prove it

    I don't get too much feral pig these days but growing up that's about all I ate

    Just make sure that it is thoroughly cooked through and through

  4. YES, Yes, yes.*

  5. The Agriculture Dept and the Centers for Disease Control have opposite opinions on what makes safe meat. The Ag dept is money oriented, and says 130 degree cooking is safe. The MD's are aghast at this, and point out how boiling is necessary to kill Salmonella! Wild game and non-cage-raised domestic stock all have parasites. It takes years for our systems to clear out Trichinosis parasites, which are easily snuffed by boiling. And others too numerous to mention similarly. Eating raw meat or fish is just plain stupid. An industry dedicated to lying to people about their health to funnel money by illusions about tender meat, well, you see where this is going. I buy cheap cuts, sear to develop initial flavor, simmer until tender, and enjoy tender excellent tasting steak. It takes longer, but it's cheap and not a health disaster. This applies also to ground squirells head-shot which have Bubonic Plague. Boiled, they are fine, and taste like rabbit (just don't nick yourself when cleaning them, and have some tetracycline in the first aid kit if you do). Wild boar is no different. Boil it. Regards, Larry.

  6. Sure it is... game officials would let the public know if it wasn't.

  7. no  how do you know if u want get sick

  8. yeah sure it is

  9. yes, it is safe, and good if cooked right

  10. Generally, it is safe to eat the pork. But sometimes the pork does have the parasite Trichinosis, which can be gotten if the meat is not completely cooked-however, there are times the boar will have a taste that makes it almost inedible. When you go up to the dead boar, and he has an odor that will almost knock you down, you can bet that when you start cooking the meat the odor will once again be apparent- you wont be able to eat the meat off that boar- but, and I don't understand why this is, but there are other times that the boar does not have this strong of an odor, and the meat is as good to eat as if it was from a sow.-I no longer shoot boars, I will always pick out the sows or the shoats.

  11. Firstly, make sure you thoroughly field dress it, make sure it is healthy without an overwhelming amount of parasites open sores or anything else that looks abnormal. When you hang your meat, wash the carcass well, cut up and freeze your meat as soon as possible.

      Cook it well and enjoy! If you still very uncomfortable, you might consider donating the meat to a food pantry. I would like to hunt feral hogs or wild boar sometime and do just that, but we don't have any here yet to hunt. They do so much damage to land and crops then reproduce so readily, they need hunted to help slow it down.
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