
Is it safe to swim when...?

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Its raining, or when its scattered weather or when the weather is in late 60s?




  1. it depends. are you at a community pool or your own pool? because either way if you see or hear lightning that means you should get out of the water.

  2. I'm assuming you're talking about an outdoor pool because if it's indoor, by all means rain or shine or blizzard (but not earthquake).

    But as for an outdoor pool, the water is safe yes, but watch your health. You might come down with hypothermia, the rapid loss of body heat due to cold conditions. Your body already cools down when you get in a pool, hence why people like it so much on sunny days. But when it's raining, it's a bit harder to regain that body heat.

    I am more of a 60's person, so that's fine by me. Just always make sure you have a large towel or something to keep you warm. The lifeguards will know more (they're first aid certified, and know about hypothermia issues).

    And if you're talking about an ocean, absolutely not. I've unfortunately gone scuba diving when it started raining, and the currents and waves are not fun or safe.

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