
Is it sunny where you are ?

by  |  earlier

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you incongruous gravity defying ignorant slip worms.




  1. Conger eel here! Very sunny in Solihull West Midlands, England to the uninitiated!

  2. Lovely and sunny, Thanks

  3. yes

  4. yes it a lovely morning

  5. NO!!!!! The tornado sirens went off! There was a tornado on the west side of my town.

  6. IT is a little warmer today

  7. no in australia it is 9degrees

  8. Yes.Southwestern Ontario,Canada

  9. Yep it`s cracking the flags here,put sun blocker on

    the dogs belly's,York's is Betta than Majorca.

  10. Very hot in the town of Heywood !

    What a change we have some sun for a change!

    Highs of 23c Today and im goin fishing! haha

  11. at here it is sunny

  12. Sunny and warm (Nottingham, England)

    You odious harridan

  13. yep

  14. I'm going to Beach or dry my clothes without using my dryer to save Energy.....................................

  15. It's cold and rainy and windy.  Quite lovely, thanks.  Canada.

  16. Sunny here in Hampshire, with a slight breeze. Hope it stays that way for some time to come as we've had more than our fair share of high winds and rain lately.

  17. Yes up North.

  18. The sun is shining out of my, if that's what you mean.

  19. chilly but the suns out and when u stand in the sunlight it is lovely - the land down under

  20. yes, but i can't seem to make myself get out of bed

    north yorks


    Its boiling and steaming and suffocating at this time of the year in Dubai... thank god for the invention of air-conditioners....

  22. Yupedy... I wish it would stay like this.

    North East England.

  23. its 26 degrees here in brighton.

  24. yes it's lovely.

  25. Very sunny, you bottom feeding putrid maggot guttersnipe. Tip top.

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