
Is it that mcdonalds

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will give you a free apple pie if one of there employees does not say 'Have a nice day' to you when you make a purchase? If it is then they owe me lots of apple pies haha

I read this in someones answer about an hour ago.




  1. No, I work at McDonald's and no such a policy exists. We would be giving away apple pies left and right if that were true haha

  2. not true i work at mcdonalds.

  3. wow...

    i would have quite a few pies too!

  4. .

  5. haha...I wish! I would be rich with apple pie because at the McDonalds in my town..they take a class on how to be rude to the's like they're doing a YOU a favor by taking your order

  6. no i dont think so, only when you waited a long time to recieve your food or if they got your order wrong, but if that was the case we would all have apple pies lol

  7. hhaa not that i've heard of but that'd be great :)

  8. I never heard that, usually fast food places give you your order free if u don't get a receipt

  9. no but it would be nice tho! :)

  10. I don't think so, I love apple pies and I've had to pay for them everytime. I need to speak to a manager......EE-TYNA!

  11. never heard that

  12. no thats stupid. get your food and get lost

  13. me too!

  14. I wish! They should at least give out a free small drink when your orders are not ready I've often had to wait more then three minutes to get just a double cheeseburger and small fries to go.
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