
Is it time for revolutionin America?

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How about it?Are you tired of the bums in power who give away our tax dollars?How about our rights that are suspended in the name of national security?Are you tired of "cowboy diplomacy"that seeks to impose democracy in country's where it will never be embraced ?




  1. YES it's called meaningful 3rd party that represents the lower middle and lower class.

  2. I don't think it is quite the time for revolution just yet.  If we were truly being oppressed by a military dictator, then perhaps, but then such a tyrant wouldn't allow forums like this for the organization of revolt - Instead, your question would be immediately removed, your address traced, and you disposed of.

    As long as we still have the power to vote and participate in government, then I don't think a revolt is necessary.  If we are unhappy with the direction of our nation, then our remedy is found in the polling booth.  Sure, it can be said that we are being let down by our leaders or that politics is a crappy business, but the bottom line is that we elect them and even worse than that, the vast majority of people simply don't show up on election day.  The powers that be can only be held so accountable when we are being let down in a far more tragic manner - that is by the ignorance and inaction of our peers as to what is going on in our country and the world.

    As for liberals being the scourge of the nation and them needing to "go somewhere else," that is just ridiculous.  I would classify myself as an independent who finds herself in line with the right on some issues and the left on others, but I have to come to the liberal's defense here.  Regardless of their political beliefs, this is a liberal's country just as much as it is a conservative's.  So, why should a liberal who is disgruntled with the direction of our nation be told to "go somewhere else?"  This is their country.  They shouldn't have to flee it for anyone.  If radical liberalism took over everything in the political process (and no, it hasn't already for those who would respond as such), then should conservatives get to steppin' because they disagree?  I don't think so.  It would still be the conservative's nation and no one should make them abandon it.  

    I love my country and whether I agree or disagree with the people sitting at the desks in DC, I will not leave it.  I will fight for it - at the ballot box (and elsewhere if the need should actually arise).  America is more than who occupies the Whitehouse.  It is a dream that lives inside the hearts and minds of a free people.

  3. Its about time,theres way to much goverment . Too many taxs,rules and stupid laws. The middle class is being attacked everyday. The south was rite.

  4. Due to the fact that you are allowed to propose revolution, the fact that the United States is still the most powerful nation (despite those bums), and the fact that the world is actually relatively more peaceful than it has been in quite some time despite cowboy diplomacy, I'd have to say no.

  5. I say we revolt against all Liberals before they finish destroying our life, liberties and unborn children.

  6. Currency developed by citizens for each community and exchanged with other communities throughout say the country would remove necessity for taxes. Also volunteer forces on a rotating basis to ensure no corruption of power an option this in place of volunteer armies of nations. Computer graphics designs  way to make such currency.  Then what asked may transpire. If other countries were to desire no state at all then all such cowboy diplomacy might cease anywhere in the world.

  7. Americans are sick of the BS the liberals keep shoving at us!

    From all manners of disrespect to outright socialism.

    Liberals, you don't like it here, GO SOME WHERE ELSE!

  8. Yes ..a revolution against socialistic and leftist democrats who threaten our way of life and constitution!

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