
Is it wrong to ask ??

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my mum says that if my nan gives me a small puppy then i can keep it but i don't see my nan that much but i talk on the phone to her. she has got 3 dogs but they r all to big i need some advise. is it wrong she would have to buy it




  1. No its fine.

  2. No it is not wrong to ask.  but first of all make sure you can pay for all the puppy will need, including a vet for shots and stuff.

    You should also be willing to take your puppy to training classes and carry a p**p back to clean up after it when you take it out walks.

    If you do not have the money then are your parents ok with this?  Even if they are and are willing to do so, you are the one who will need to take it to training.  And do all the rest of the work with it.

    Good luck getting your puppy.  Come back and tellus how you get on.

  3. No, all you can do is ask. Be sure to give her a BIG thank you of course, maybe send her a card, nana's love it when you call or send them cards.

    If she does get you a puppy, it might be nice to send her a picture of you and your new puppy after a few months, don't just use her to get your puppy and forget about her after :)

    Good Luck!  

  4. Play with her dogs and when she is around say awww I really want a dog my mom said if I get one myself than I could keep it but I dont have the money. Hope this helps! :) it always works for me when I want something.

  5. Maybe You could visit Your nan one day and play around with the dogs and maybe you could gradually bring up the subject

    & maybe make her some nice tea ;]

    Hope you do get a puppy, I always wanted one but to be honest i wont Look after the puppy much ;]

  6. just buy one and say its from your gma. i do it all the time =)

  7. Yeah, I think it is wrong to just ask your nan to buy you a puppy. Get your mum to talk to your nan and come to some sort of agreement, perhaps involving your nan by asking for advice, visiting rescue centres with you, or maybe sharing the financial costs. Who's going to be paying for everything else for the puppy? You going to ask someone else for a handout?

  8. Hmm - little puppies grow up into big dogs which sounds from you question that it might be a problem. So choose the puppy breed you get carefully!

  9. Maybe ask your nan if she'll take you to a rescue and help you pick out a puppy

  10. you should ask

  11. thats what grandmas are for! ask her.

    the worst that could happen is she'll say no.  

  12. Its o k having a puppy but can you afford one there are vets bills to pay ,food ,walks and are you prepared to clean sick and poo up or will you leave it and hope some one else will do it. Loads of things to think about before you get one .That little puppy will grow big not stay small all its life. Make the right choice don' t rush in to it

  13. no
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