
Is japan really racist?

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I really don't want to offend anyone but is Japan racist towards african americans or any race besides there own.

I've heard that they look down upon ppl with darker skin color so I was wondering, what would happen if someone of a differant race visited




  1. I don`t exactly think so ,as far as I know. I am a japanese.japanese people would feel a little strange and would stare someone of a different race curiously when japanese meet people like that.Any incident would not happen more than that.sorry for my not good English.

  2. We're only racist when we receive a racist Asian remark like "you all look alike". I know you know of that one. So how the process works, is for the people who continue to be racist and think Asian jokes are funny. They end up ruining it all for the people who aren't racist towards Japanese because that is the idea that the Japanese people portray about foreigners especially westerners. The end result leads to reciprocating the same treatment right back at cha! Not saying you don't respect us but because of others that aren't so respectful have made you look bad. Other than that respect us and your welcome to visit or even try to live here.

  3. Is Japan really racist?  Well, Japan is not a racist nation.  My husband has blonde hair and white skin and some people glance at him, especially small kids.  But this is not racism, is it?  They are simply not used to see the fair skin, so they look twice.  That's all. I see so many African-American people, famous people, on TV shows.  They are all liked and respected.  I don't see any reasons you should worry about your race.  People won't hate you just because your skin is darker.  It's about who you are.  Not about what color you are.  If you are a good person, anyone will accept you as you are.  I really don't want you to worry.  Japanese are good people more than you imagine.

  4. not overtly racist, but a little xenophobic. The only place you may notice it is some clubs will have "no foreigner" signs.

  5. here is the truth.

    not all of them are racist, BUT!!!

    no one do a d**n thing to those racist.

    last week i was in tokyo (meguro) i saw 4 black van parading, announcing their racist idea with 4 big speaker on the roof of the vans.

    that was downtown tokyo, and no one do a thing, no cops do a thing either.

    yeah, racist is everywhere, but in most place people will do sometihng, but not here.

    who think they friendly? next time try to talk to those black van folk and say that again!


    Just in case if you don’t know the black van folk.

    They are a very big and active group of the hard-right japanese. Doing n**i alike activity.

    People here know about them, but do nothing to stop them.

    Cops here know about them, but turn blind-eye most of the time.

    j-gov know about them, but do very little to stop them either.

  6. Your money is the same colour.

  7. My opinion is not to judge people and I am very interested in visiting Japan.  I can tell you my the expieriences my parents had with racism in Japan...

    I have a japanese aunt (married my uncle, not directly related) and maybe this only represents her attitude but she was extremely embarrassed to show my parents around japan.  

    She would walk far ahead of them so nobody would know she was with americans.  She always regretted marrying an american, and her family never accept him.  And when my dad and uncle (who speaks fluent Japanese) were in a elevator with Japanese men, the japanese men said 'look at those big stupid americans!' not thinking they would be understood

    That has nothing to do with skin color, I know, but as much as my parents loved visiting Japan, learning about Japanese culture and eating the food they still were frowned at.

    You will find racist people of every race and in every country, I like to keep and open mind.

  8. ♥I think that Japanese people are friendly folks. Like they can always be there for each other and for you for my experience in Nihon I had tons of friends and I had a great life over in Nihon. So how can I help you is by giving you the encouragement of going there and being explorer for the country. Good luck my friend.♥

  9. Seeing is believing. Don't rely on others easily. There are so many people in the world. Some of Japanese may be racist as same as some of African American. Don't extend some personal view to whole size fact without self check automatically.

    I think you must be generous and understand because Japan is not USA.

  10. It really depends on what you consider to racist. People have various ideas as to the meaning of the word.

    People will tend to stare at you and listen to your conversations because there are not so many black people in Japan they will do the same to White or Hispanic people too. You tend to stand out. I think most people would not consider that being a racist but some people would. I am not offended by it but some may be.

    There are places that you will not be allowed to enter. No foreigners can enter them Black, White whatever. These are often bars or Soap lands or other adult oriented places plus a few various shops and restaurants. The reasons depend on the place. Some don't want trouble because they feel foreigners will get drunk and start violence others feel foreigners may spread STD's . I think many may consider these places racist but keep in mind these are pretty rare. It is not like you walk down the street and half the places have a no foreigners sign hanging. I have only seen a couple in the entire time I spent in Japan.

    Speaking to Japanese many feel nervous talking to foreign people because they have fear over their language ability and don't want to engage in conversation with someone they can't understand so they try to avoid you. Again I don't view this as racist but some may including some of those who speak fluent japanese but are foreigners.

    I have never rarely ever seen a Japanese person become rude to someone just because they were a foreigner to their face but I have heard them say bad things behind their back. But what place does not have people like this?

    So based on that information maybe you can make a decision but the best way is to go and visit and find out.

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