
Is limewire legal?help?

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the free version




  1. Limewire is completely legal.  Using limewire to download music/movies/apps you don't own is very illegal.  Limewire is a tool, just like a hammer. I can own a hammer, and it can be very useful, but if I smack someone over the head with it, and hurt them, I have broken the law.  The vast majority of music available on limewire is, in fact, illegal, but there are some things on there that are legal.

  2. most of it, but some of the music downloads are illegal

    btw, even if some of the stuff is illegal, your chances are EXTREMELY LOOOOOOW that you'll get caught, for a variety of reasons.

    so feel free to use it like the millions of other users who use it and have nothing happen to them

  3. The service is legal but downloading copyrighted material with it is not.

  4. The service and program is legal but some of the files on there may be not.

  5. its legal to download for yo personal usage but if you go and done start somethin by getting other people buy it from you then thats illegal

  6. Yes, the limewire software is legal, its meaning its hosted on an American server and would have been taken a long time ago if it was illeagal.

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