
Is love able to be proved?

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is it possible to be proved if so how? my boyfirend always tells me to prove it as we're mesing about x but i know u can prove lust and what about love is it possble to be proved??? how???




  1. Love like mother-love can be assumed and need not be proved (the mother-love as witnessed in wild animals pretty much proves that it is natural and unassailable)  but love thine enemy is pretty hard for most of us to swallow and a bit polly-annish.  (Love between couples is more critical and can require a full lifetime to prove its durability.)

  2. No.

  3. Love is only shown by the things you do for him. It could be the littlest thing. But these are things you know you would ONLY do for someone you love and care about. It's also something you FEEL deep inside. It's not physically something you can put in his hand.But rather by showing him with the things you do. Most of us find ourselves doing things that we wouldn't do for anyone else. But when we love someone it doesn't matter what it is,We just do things NO questions asked because we love that person.

  4. Explain the feeling you have for another person or the selflessness you have for a loved one.

  5. there is no gunpowder and alchohol test for love like for booze. Only you can interperitate your feelings for someone which isn't always easy. Even at different times of the day, week, month or year you can feel fluctuations in your emotions for someone. "Your not the only one with mixed emotions." Love is the most curiouse of feelings that all ethnicities are capable of experiencing. The Romans beleived in three types of love, Motherly, puppy, and romantic.

    However now scientists believe that they have isolated the "love drug" oxytocin that they beleive has been formed over thousands of years of evolution to keep people together in rough times like bearing a child. So maybe after more research in the future we could measure the amount of oxtocin in the brain for someone and yes "prove" love.


  7. Marriage if the #1 way to prove love. through the commitment, The Wedding Ring!

  8. Actions speak louder than words.

    Love is proof in itself. Its all about the little things! The way you make each other feel inside, the special bond you share (that neither one of you share with another person) Fulfillment, trust.....

  9. as a guy, "prove it", usually means going all the way, with "him" of course.

       But ya, it can be proved, but it takes many yrs, and shows in the day to day behaviours, thoughts and deeds of those who claim it.

       But there no way it can be shown in any "one" act, deed or word.

       Because true love, usually consumes one in both body and mind, nor faulter with time.

  10. no.

    its a feeling, an emotion.

    its something from inside that you cant prove.

    you can do little things to show someone you care for them.

    honestly, just be loyal, honest, and all that good stuff.


  11. Not like that ... I think it's unfair for him to ask for proof.  The proof of love is in the little things.  It shows in small gestures and kind words.  It's when you'll do things for someone that you wouldn't do for anyone else.  Or wanting to do things for the other person you wouldn't normally do to make them happy.  It's in the details.  It can be proved, but not on demand.  He has to look for the signs ... and take some on faith.  There is no love without at least a little risk.

    When he's asking you to prove it while trying to talk you into having s*x, is he asking playfully?  If he's acting serious about it then he's probably trying to manipulate you, trying to pressure you into giving him what he wants.  And it shows a lack of respect for you, it's not good.

  12. love is something science can't prove. it just happens. part of human nature. you can show that you love someone with teh actions taht you do to show that you actually care..

  13. I think that you shouldn't have to prove love. It's just there. But if you wanted to prove it I would say the best way would be to just tell them, be there for them when they need you, never stray, be willing to die for that person (if the situation ever called for it), and trust them. I doubt any action is big enough to show how much you love someone. It's all in the little things, ya know?

  14. I got a Tattoo saying "Just Me and You"

    It was the title of a song I wrote for my GF. I believe that's love.

  15. just staying faithful and commited to the relationship.

    and doing whatever to make the other one happy:)

  16. Oh yes dani*

    Look in the category social science>psychology. Question by Nads/m  What is your most treasured possession and why?

  17. You can't prove it, it's just there, and the other person just has to trust that you really love them.

  18. That's a tricky question. I can tell, that after 26 years my first boyfriend from Germany visited me here in England (I be here since 5 years).

    It was a GRANT week and we even shared the bed but didn't have any s*x the whole week. It was a great experience and something really special. If you can do that, just be cozy and a bit of kissing but no s*x, than you get a special level of love.

    I'm a single mum with needs, but this week gives me so much I wouldn't miss for anything in the world.

  19. I think love is able to be proven, but not with simple evidence, Its in the touch, not willing to hurt even though you sometime do. It's in the en-treatment of each other, nobody treats someone they love badly, It's in your will to do good things and the best thing for those you love even if they don't understand. s*x will not prove love. Gifts will not prove love Anger is the worse way to express love. Love isn't something that is questioned it is something that is given back

  20. Only love, time, devotion, going through bad times as well as good, will prove love. X is never the case, that's how guys get what they (we) want. I know the tricks, but so do girls. If you want love, then x is not a bargaining tool from either side, just a really fun and enjoyable thing to do after dealing with all the crappy things that couple must face.

  21. men always do that, they thought by asking u to sleep with them, is proving your love..(Lols) it depends on what he believes really, its hard to explain to someone, that love is different from LUST- just tell him, the next time he ask, if you really love me, prove it, be patient..and respect me. (let's see what he'll say,)

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