
Is love programmed into our DNA???

by  |  earlier

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The reason I ask this is because:

1. When babies are born, they need to be cuddled, fed, and talked to. They need to feel love or else they will die or have issues later in life.

2. Love is needed for reproduction. And reproduction is human nature.

So, if love programmed into our DNA? Or is it a learned concept??




  1. I agree with point 1 but not point 2.  Humans have definitely evolved into having a prolonged childhood.  Babies simply cannot survive without an enormous amount of care and attention.  Mothers, in particular are "programmed" to respond to babies and as humans, we have labelled that response "love."  You can imagine that in prehistoric times, the babies who got the most "love" were more likely to survive.  So the parent's capacity to receive and give love was passed on.

    However, love is not needed for reproduction.  Only s*x is required.  And it is quite possible to have s*x without love.

    Romantic love between two individuals, is probably a culturally determined concept.  So in that respect, it is "learned."

  2. i dont think its in our DNA..its just comes

    with being a human being.

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