
Is magic really real ?

by Guest56619  |  earlier

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is magic real? if so do you know a website with spells and etc. or do you know any that really works?




  1. One name! CHRIS ANGEL!!!

  2. magic is real only if you get fooled by it.  if you can figure it out, then it is not real magic

  3. Magic spelt thus, is sleight of hand, parlour tricks..

    Magick spelt like this is the real thing, but I know that all the religious people will say it comes from Satan, and others simply wouldn't believe in it if it was right in front of them...

    Sad mob, all of them in my opinion...

    There is nothing supernatural about magick..

    Magick is simply a manipulation of energy, to bring about a desired result..

    Christians pray, their prayer is answered, not from God, but from the natural forces that are all around us, that is magick..

    But they will go on believing that their God answered their prayer, that is entirely up to them..

    If you know anything about Witchcraft, which is the Craft of the Wise, then you would know that the Universe will not grant spells of power, wealth and many other things that people often try to use the Craft for..

    Remember also, what ever you send out into the Universe will come back to you threefold, it's called the Law of Three or The Law of the Threefold Return...

    And it harm none, do what you will...

    Blessed Be... )O(

  4. magic is real. but i think the the magic you are talking about is not what i believe in, they're just tricks. just tricks. to trick us.

  5. Hi:

    I don't know but here's a story I heard from my mother about a guy she knew in the US Army.  He told her with all seriousness, that one time some buddies and he were back in some wooded area in North American, like in a hunting party, and they happened to find what appeared to be a shaman in front of a teepee-like structure, and the seated shaman appeared to be in trance and was swaying from side to side, and the guy told my mother the teepee was also swaying in unison with the shaman.

    I think there are some weird things in the world, but I don't have any real proof and I don't know if "magic" actually exists or if it's possible that it is some psychic power like telekenesis, which seems like it could be possible.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Yes, it is, and yes, I do know magic that works. Will I tell you? No. If you have not learned enough to know how to perform your own magic, and when and why, I don't feel that you are prepared to use magic. When you actually do know these things, you can look back at your question and see why it should be answered in this manner.

  7. Yes, it is, and check this website They have some really good information, ie spells, history etc.

  8. Magic is not real.

  9. magic is real its very real but few hav the ablity of magic and im luck to be one of those few to be bornwith my ability yay^^

  10. Magick is entirely metaphor... but then again, so is the whole universe. Everything that the Universe is is only experienced through the tool we call our Brain.  

  11. real magic (witchcraft, shamanism, witch doctors etc.)- yes

    harry potter bullshit- NO

  12. NO. its all hokus pocus. but if youre looking for a good witch doctor go to a curandera

  13. Well it depends what kind  

  14. Sorry really need more information before we can accurately answer this.

    Stage magic is different than religious magic which is different form Movie magic, fraud ... well the lists are endless here.

    I'm guessing you might be looking for those who practice magic as a from of religion. I'd suggest looking at Witch.vox


  15. umm a bit, it depends on the persons decision, i know, Spell of magic, i don't know actually the website, but i picked some spells there. Well others don't others too. i really don't know everything.  
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