
Is mascara bad for your eyelashes?

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A lady i know said she used to have long eyelashes but now they are short and it was probably because she has been wearing mascara for such a long time. is that true? is mascara bad for your eyelashes?




  1. nope.

    it is only bad if you use alot of it!

  2. If you use too much mascara then yes, especially if you clump.

    If you only use one layer of mascara, and don't rub your eyes a lot while you wear it you shouldnt have problems.

    I believe water proof mascara can cause more problems because it's harder to remove thus pulling on the lashes.

  3. i dont think so. mascara gives off the affect of longer lashes, so i dont see how the lady you know has short eyelashes caused by mascara. she probobly did something and is useing mascara as an excuse.


  5. No, I am always complimented on my eye lashes by make up artists about how long and full they are and I ALWAYS wear mascara.

  6. No, but be sure to wash it off at night. I took mary kay classes for a lot of my dance and cheerleading teams and they always showed us women who went to sleep with it on and they develop what is called something like eyelash mites or something like this. It will slowly eat them away. But takes a while. So just general use, nah!

  7. it is true!!! mine started to do that so becaureful use fake lashes.

  8. I wouldn't think so. As long as you take it off with a gentle makeup remover at night, you should be fine. If you've ever felt your lashes after a hot shower or when you've taken every bit of makeup off, you'll notice their softness...and how it dramatically changes once you apply long as that softness after a shower doesn't become brittle or flaky as if you're wearing mascara, you're fine.

    You could also invest in some natural or mineral mascaras. (They make mineral mascaras, right?) Eh. Or maybe a clear mascara that doesn't have all that mica in it.

  9. if you don't wash it off at night it can break your eye lashes and theyll be really short..other than that it can't do any harm!

  10. N0

  11. THIS.......... IS.............. SPARTA

  12. only if you dont wash it off at is bad

  13. no its fine to wear mascara .

    just make sure to wash all your make -up off before you go to bed .

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