
Is miley cyrus really this gross?

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She is a very bad role model for children.




  1. you guys should really watch this video :)

    it explains a lot about miley.

  2. She's not, she's only 15!

  3. even worse

  4. yes. she is a very bad role model. she just gets away with everything and never learns a lesson. im sorry to those miley cyrus fans but look at vanessa hudgens. one mistake and she learns her lessons. miley cyrus.  onemistake, doesnt learn a lesson. im srry to you  guys who loves her so much. but just look a wat she has done.

  5. god sake if she wasnt famous no one would mind at all! Its what 15-16 year olds do for petes sake!!

    get over yourselves!

    Edit: ♥ I'm burnin up 4 joe/nick how in the sam heck was Miley a b***h to Nick? dont talk about stuff you dont know aight?

    Edit #2:

    get your information correct before speaking ♥ I'm burnin up 4 joe/nick

    You're just a pot calling the kettle black, take a look here and you'll see exactly what im talking about:

    edit 3: better read what nick said about the whole thing too then! He said it wasnt him Miley was singing about! They are still on good terms! Now Nick said this himself in an interview . . I dare ya to contradict him!

  6. I know!!! She's a freak!!

    Nick is cool!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was a b*tch to him!!!!!!!!

    I HATE her!!!!!!!

    (It doesn't matter if you've done worse because you don't have to set an example for children)

    EDIT: Person below me, she was a ***** to Nick because she made the song 7 things about him. It WAS about him because you can see him in the photo and she admitted it in J-14, she said she did it out of hate!!!!! YOU don't talk about what YOU don't know!!!!

    Oh, and she dragged Nick into her own picture mess, even though it was ALL her fault!!!

    She hangs out with someone who is WAY older than her, how g*y. The Miley and Mandy show is pathetic and she made fun of demi lovatos gap, even though her teeth are messed up!!!!!

    The WHOLE point that people are making is that she IS famous and LITTLE girls look up to her!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is why it is bad!!!!

    F.Y.I:  I said NICK not JOE!!!

    EDIT 2:  That was a question form AGES ago when I actually didn't like the JBs!!! OK! I LOVE them now! They're my favorite band! It's pathetic that you were actually looking through my questions anyway.

    Wikapedia can be written by ANYONE that is why it is an UNRELIABLE source!!! Actually READ the magazine and you'll see her interview!

    EDIT 3:  Where is this interview then? How do I even know it exists?! Tell me where it is! Even if it is real (which I doubt) he was probably just trying to cover for Miley, not because they're friends, but because he is a nice person. Or Disney just told him too.

    If they're 'friends' (they aren't) why do they never hang out?

  7. ive done worse.

    same age too.

  8. and this is new to you?

  9. Well, she is still a kid we make mistakes.

  10. NO she is not gross, and she is a great role model for children, cant you remember when you did that kind of stuff as a teenage, I'm 15 I still do it everyone does, just leave her the h**l alone!!!

  11. yes she's a very bad tole model for little kids. These pictures aren't bad,there's some that are worse and these came out a long time ago.

  12. First off, not all of them are 'real photos'

    a lot of miley haters photoshop the pictures.

    But yes, some are real. =]

    She isn't the best rold model for children,

    but then she's only 15 or 16.

    That's when most of the teens make mistakes

    And, if she wasn't even famous, nobody would

    even care if she took a picture like those.  

    Just because she's well known, she's getting

    all the criticism. =/

  13. If that's all gross. Then I guess every 15 year old is a bad role model for kids, and considered 'gross'.

  14. she's a new celebrity and her dad didnt approve it it was a simple mistake

  15. What's gross is someone hacked all of those pics from her computer and phone which means they were STOLEN from her and plastered all over the internet so nimrods can ask nimrod questions about them.

  16. yup

  17. spits hilarious

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