
Is mobile interfering in our life?

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Is mobile interfering in our life?




  1. I don't think it interferes with my life as such, after all if they're my friends I am around them a lot already so they don't often have a reason to call me. Those that I see fairly infrequently often catch up with me on MSN later in the evening.

    You should only really give your number out to people who you want to contact you. If you would get annoyed by phone calls or texts from someone then it's not a good idea to give them your number in the first place.

    It also depends on your age, when you're younger you text a lot more frequently and enjoy it than when you are around 20, texting becomes less fun and more about arranging/getting things done ("up for a pub lunch anytime this week?") or commenting on something obscure ("Paul hasn't e-mailed do you know if he thinks I'm in for Thursday?") or strange that has happened rather than as a routine (e.g. "what u up2? tb" etc). "routine text messages" are the sort of texts we used to receive and send when text messaging was new to us, these sorts of texts can get in the way of our day to day life but you usually just grow out of them.

    People should also know what is/isn't appropriate. Phone calls at unsociable times are not welcome and the person calling should be politely informed of what time you are and aren't willing to take calls.

    Lastly keeping your phone off (or on silent) overnight or whenever you don't wish to be disturbed prevents you from being disturbed. I always put my phone on silent if I am going to be meeting someone in a company for a relatively long time, want to be serious about something or just genuinely want to make a good impression, even if it's only to go to the library desk to get them to request a recall for a book for me. If you find that a bit too extreme you can always leave it on vibrate. That way you can continue to deal with whoever it is you are speaking with but know that there is a message waiting later for you when you want to check it. Usually when someone's text message tone goes off it puts off or is considered rude by the person you are talking to.

    So my answer to your question is yes it can interfere with our lives but once you are pro-active in your management of it it can be a great way to pass a short time sensitive message across.

  2. yes, cuz in every 5 min. there comes maximum 8 calls as well as 10 messages.

  3. Yes. If you allow it too.

    Yurn the stupid thing off. Have some time for you.

  4. not interfering its a big part of my life

  5. If we are in this world everthing in our sorrounding interferes us. Indeed mobile too.

  6. its depend on the person how they use it. today  we cant move aroud without mobile ...

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