
Is modern society evil

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There are lots of great people out there, BUT--through the last 10 to 20 years ive noticed a decline in peoples attitudes towards life and others---Kids growing up too fast, gangsters and pimps videos glorified on MTV, underage pregnancy all time high---kids carrying knives as young as 8---people afraid to leave there house fear of being mugged killed----internet corruption---angry abusive people on the streets--- Banks/companys using anything and anybody to make profit, 20 years ago most of the above was limited, in 20 years from now, i dread to be around, it seems the world is becoming a very corrupt evil place to be right now, everythings about money and status, i work but im always broke through paying bills, is this right, what do you think.




  1. Look in the "inner city". Gangs and no dads. Droput rates very high.

    Go into the "inner city". People breaking the laws all around you. Kids, old ladies, everyone. Littering, drinking, doing/selling drugs, gangs, prostitution, etc. etc.

      I do land surveying all the time in downtown Oakland, CA. People can't cross the streets here. They walk in front of cars, honk at everything that moves, speed by with music blasting. It's terrible.

       Everyone should spend a day or two downtown in the "inner city" and see what a sewer it is. I don't know how anyone makes it out of these crappy surroundings...

  2. Not much different than the 1980s. I don't agree with working and always being broke thing though. Things used to be worse. Look at ww1 and ww2, the great depression, black plague, civil wars, slavery, and so on. We have it pretty good these days relatively speaking. People are getting smarter because of computers and you have to be able to use information to your advantage more to have an easier life. A bit of knowledge here and there can make your life a lot easier financially and other wise. I can see what you are saying in terms of maybe we have passed the pinnacle of society.

  3. Watch the movie 'Idiocracy'.....we're getting close....definitely on the decline. The richest nation in the history of man is slowing becoming the most shallow, materialistic and amoral of them all. The question is: Will there be an event [and it will require a major 'happening' of some sort] that gives humanity a chance to wake up and redeem itself before all is completely lost?

    And for those who say it is 'better' now because they're is no rioting in protest of wars etc like in the 1960s.....those people we're at least aware enough to know there was a problem that needed to be addressed. This generation is content to pretend all problems don't exist as long as they have their cell phone....ignorance is a killer.

  4. I was wondering the same thing, but I watched some old documentary films from the 1960's about war, society, riots, the Cold War etc. And in some ways it was worse. It seems to get better and worse and better again in trends.  

  5. it's not like it was any better in the past...

  6. Yeah, I agree with you.  There are so many issues.  It's mind-boggling.  If we don't change now, we really will go downhill.  I'm also very afraid of how things will be in the future, but I know there's not much I can do but try to be a better person and hope for the best.

  7. True!

    The day is getting worse!

    Ragnarok will come soon! if you are hoping for it.

    But however, there are still beauty and kindness around, you just have to find it. At the same time, evade the cruelty. Build up some strength, defend yourself! (best with magic, ha ha ha)
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