
Is money maywether a hero?

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no he is not




  1. money mayweather is my hero. He inspires me to get up in the morning. I always think I gotto get that money I gotta get that money. Im the best at what i do and I cant be beat. hes such a role model. I am a mayweather fan but you have a good point he is not a role model.

  2. why are you asking when you already have your answer?

  3. They made a REALLY bad choice bringing him into wrestling....he cant act for ****

  4. defintly not anyones hero or rolemodel but thats still not the point  of money may.

  5. h**l no, if someone is looking up to Maywether then they obviously have issues within themselves. I am almost 40yrs old, so why in the h**l would I look up to Floyd. Mabey for the young generation, who wants to emulate anyone with money.

  6. Floyd is a successful boxer, but not what most would consider a hero.  Circumstance puts people in positions where their actions can be heroic, and occasionally certain fights reach heroic proportions, but to my knowledge Floyd has never been in one that would warrant that label.  The nick name "money" is in fact the exact opposite of heroic, and in most cases it is looked upon with ridicule and contempt.  It casts a negative light on Floyd and comes off as being petty.  Money, in and of it self is not heroic, what you do with it could be, or it could work in the opposite direction and become a source of dishonor.  It may not be the "root of all evil", but preoccupation with Floyd's wealth is negative, both with others and by he himself as an individual.  All things in life should be indulged in moderation, excess of anything (including money) is usually a mistake.

    The man did well as a boxer, as a person we all have our problems, and believe me Floyd has had his fair share as well.

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